Ent. Cheering Up Jonathan Archer Would Include...

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Him being pretty distant, not wanting to show his emotions around you/appear weak for being upset

You trying to get him to tell you what's bothering him; telling him that it's okay to be sad and that you won't judge him for anything he does or says

Him shrugging and remaining silent, staring either at the wall or window of his quarters

You putting his hand onto his shoulder and rubbing it gently while you try to talk calmly and soothingly to him Jon leaning against you, mumbling about what was bothering him

You taking his hand in yours to hold loosely, rubbing your thumb against the back of his hand slowly

You being silent when Jon finally vents to you about why he's upset

Once he's finished, you comforting him best you can, giving him advice and talking him through what's on his mind

You offering to go to the captain's mess with him to get him something sweet to eat

Him shaking his head and admitting that he'd prefer to just stay with you in his quarters

Him quietly and hesitantly asking for cuddles. He'd be kind of shy about it because he's not the super lovey-dovey kind of person

You smiling as you lay down on his bed, pulling him with you

Him holding you close and you rubbing his hair and back to try and calm him

You telling him random stories from when you were a kid to get his mind off of whatever's troubling him

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