TNG/Voy. Coming Out As Bisexual To Q Would Include...

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It's not like you were hiding it from your boyfriend, it had just never come up and you never really felt the need to tell him. You'd tell him when you realized that things were starting to become more serious between the two of you and you wanted him to know you for who you really are.

You would bring it up one evening as the two of you were having a date. You'd be in your quarters, just chatting about idle topics and enjoying each other's company.

When you told him that you were bisexual, he would kind of shrug it off and say something like, "Humans have this strange urge to label everything. Sexuality is a strange concept, Y/N, one that fascinates the Q. If you would like that label, that is up to you, but to me you are just Y/N."

It wouldn't affect your relationship at all, because Q just doesn't care about sexualities and labels. They're not a thing in the Q-continuum and many species that he'd run into didn't have such labels.

He'd never bring it up around others unless he knew they already knew that about you, because even though it isn't a big deal to him he knows that humans like to keep some parts of their life private from others, and he would respect that.

He would be happy you told him, though, because that meant you trusted him enough to open up more and to share that part of you with him. He would thank you for telling him and he would assure you that he wouldn't see you any differently or act any differently around you.

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