Ent. Trip Tucker - You're Shy

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You saw Trip approach your work station out of the corner of your eye and almost groaned out loud. For the past week or so, Trip had been trying to get you to hang out with him, but you always made up an excuse as to why you couldn't: you had to work late, needed to finish a report, wanted to go to sleep early, was having dinner with a friend. Almost none of the excuses you told him were true, you were just too nervous to spend time with him one-on-one. Sure, you two had worked on assignments together before, but hanging out outside of work? Made you want to run and hide.

"Hey, Y/N," Trip drawled. "You free for dinner tonight?"

You bit down on your lip, keeping your eyes focused on the readings in front of you. "I don't know. I might have to—"

"Work late?" he asked.

With a slight frown, you nodded.

"No offense, but there's no way you can expect me to believe that you're all ways working late," he said gently. "Are you avoiding me?"

You shook your head. "No. I'm just busy."

"Y/N, please have dinner with me? It will be fun, I promise."

You glanced at him. "I don't know..."

He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against your station. "I've seen y'around the ship, and noticed you don't often hang out with people."

You didn't know what to say to that, so you just shrugged.

"You're quite shy, aren't you?" he asked, tone soft.

"I guess," you replied reluctantly. "And socially awkward."

Trip chuckled quietly. "Even the shyest and most socially awkward people need friends."

Again, you shrugged.

"Why don't we go to the next movie night together?" he suggested, smiling at you. "I'll even let you share my popcorn. I'll be the perfect gentleman."

"Maybe," you told him. The idea did tempt you.

"Or, we could have dinner together. Maybe even eat with Travis and Malcolm if it'll make you less awkward."

When you looked at him, you saw kind eyes and a warm welcoming smile. You then realized he was genuinely wanting to spend time with you. He truly wanted to become closer to you. You smiled shyly, then. "Okay. The four of us can eat together the day of the next movie, then you and I can go to movie night together."

Trip's smile widened. "Can't wait."

You nodded, hoping he could tell that you couldn't wait either. Truthfully, you weren't used to people making the first move with you, considering how quiet and reserved you always were. But, you were very happy that Trip made the effort to try and become your friend. Now, you only hoped that movie night would arrive soon.

A/N: Just a little reminder/note that these have all been posted on my tumblr and ao3 accounts already, and I have tons of imagines to post still. So if you like my writing, please vote and comment and bookmark this so you won't miss any new ones! xx

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now