Voy. The Doctor Being Jealous Would Include...

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Him being really bitter about it at first; giving you the cold shoulder, replying with short answers, and even making up excuses as to why he can't see you/talk to you

Him eventually rambling about it to some poor crewmen who came into sickbay. The crewmen having to withstand the doctor's petty remarks while he did their scans

Tom getting most of his frustration; the doctor giving Tom so many tasks to do and being very rude about it (even more so than usual)

Tom eventually asking him what the matter is and the doctor brushing it off, saying that there was nothing wrong

But, the second Tom brings you up the doctor would practically have steam coming out of his ears

Tom giving him advice on how to deal with the situation; telling him to talk to you about it and that he'd feel better afterwards

You being called down to sickbay and going as soon as you could You asking the doctor what's been bothering him all day, being very concerned

Him caving and venting to you about how you were laughing with another guy and letting him tough your arm, and how he's afraid you'll leave him for someone else

You going on a long spiel about how he's the only one for you and how you love him more than anything and anyone else

The doctor's shoulders sinking with relief when he hears you say that

You teasing him about being so jealous, which would wound his pride Him getting defensive, saying he wasn't jealous, but he'd be sputtering and stammering too much for him to be believable

You giving him a kiss on the cheek before saying you had to get back to work, but promising him a date on the holodeck on your shift ended

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