Ent. Jonathan Archer - "Leave them alone."

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Warnings: Slight violence
A/N: I have tons of imagines that have been posted on my tumblr over the past year or so, so I will be posting those in this book at a hopefully regular basis. If you like my work, please like and comment! It really means a lot when you do. And if you have any suggestions, let me know!

As you collected samples of plants for Phlox, you heard a few twigs snap nearby. You frowned and looked up from the flowering plant before you. "Captain?" you asked, looking around at the small clearing. The two of you split up not too long ago, but he promised he'd be right back—just had to meet up with T'Pol briefly.

Several figures stepped out from the bushes, and with a pang in your chest, you realized they weren't any of the crew. They were aliens indigenous to the planet. T'Pol had warned the captain about a more vicious group of them, but he insisted on going down since the ship had detected several useful minerals and vitamins in the rocks and plants. The planet's leader allowed for it, though they also had mentioned the group which preferred violence over reason.

One of them spoke in their native tongue, and you quickly took out your communicator to translate. But, based on their harsh tone, you doubted it was a friendly greeting. You stood up slowly and looked the aliens over. They had prominent ridges on their foreheads and neck, spots on their bald heads, and claws on their hands. They weren't the prettiest, you had to admit.

"Speak!" the one in front shouted as your communicator finally picked up on their dialect.

"My name is Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N of the starship Enterprise," you told them, keeping your voice steady even though your heart was racing within your chest. "I'm here with some other members of my crew to—"

"Leave," he growled, taking a step closer to you.

You frowned. "We're here on peaceful exploration. We mean you no harm."

"Does it look like I care why you're here?" he snarled before spitting on the ground. "Leave. Or is your species bad of hearing?"

"You'll have to speak to my captain," you told him. "He spoke to your leader about this."

"Pah!" The alien's face contorted in frustration. "They're not my leader."

You bit down on your lip as they approached you. The other aliens stayed back, telling you the one before you was in charge. Up close, he was even uglier, and smell rancid. You swallowed, resisting the urge to gag against the stench.

"I'll tell you again," he said slowly, reaching his hand up to grip your chin roughly. You winced when his sharp claws dug into your skin. "Leave, now, or you'll have wish you had."

"Hey!" a familiar voice shouted, and you felt your shoulders sag with relief. "Leave them alone."

The alien shoved you aside so hard you fell to your knees. You grunted and grit your teeth, but said nothing. One of the other aliens stood by you, hand on the hilt of what looked like a dagger. You gulped and decided on not moving from your spot on the cold ground.

"Are you the captain?" the alien asked in his raspy voice.

"I am. My name is Captain Jonathan Archer of the starship Enterprise," Jon said, straightening up to make himself appear taller. "And I said, leave them alone."

You looked at the alien and saw him smirk. "You're trespassing. This is our land. I told them to leave, and they didn't."

Jon's jaw clenched. "I'm in charge here. Don't attack them for following my orders."

The alien sniffed in amusement. "Where I come from, one is responsible for one's actions."

"That's true for our culture as well," Jon said slowly. "But, they're following my orders, and we were told we could explore this land. Your leader has given us permission."

The alien narrowed his eyes. "So I'll tell you what I told your friend. They're not my leader. This is my land, and if you don't leave, you'll be sorry."

Jon frowned. "Fine. We'll leave. We weren't aware of any borders. Just tell us where not to go, and we won't bother you again."

The alien seemed semi-pleased with the captain's offer, so he told him landmarks which worked as boundaries for their territory.

"I'll have to round up the rest of my crew," Jon said. "It'll take a few minutes."

"Make it quick," the alien snarled before turning. He nodded at the alien near you and they left.

John went to you quickly, crouching down beside you. "Are you hurt?"

"No," you said. "I'm fine, thank you."

He nodded, lips pressed together in a tight frown. He helped you to your feet and gently touched the scratch the alien's claw left on your cheek. You winced and flinched away, making Jon's frown deepen. "We'll get Phlox to take a look at that when we get back."

You nodded and gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you, Jon."

"No need to thank me," he murmured, giving your lips a brief kiss. "It's my job as your captain and boyfriend to protect you."

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now