Voy. Kathryn Janeway - Talking About Home

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A/N: Just a quick thank you to everyone who's been reading and liking and commenting on these! This book now has over 9k reads and 500 likes! Thank you all so so much.

Kathryn brought you a warm mug of your favourite beverage, a smile just as warm on her face. She sat beside you on the couch in her quarters and you thanked her for the drink.

"I can't believe it's been five years since we arrived in the Delta Quadrant," you said, taking a sip of your drink. The warmth filled your abdomen and you smiled at the comforting feeling.

Kathryn nodded slowly. "Time flies when you're... well, not having fun, but..."

You raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly. "So spending time with me isn't fun?"

"You know what I mean," she said with a short laugh.

You grinned and took a drink. "Do you think we'll ever get back?"

Kathryn didn't hesitate, quickly saying, "Yes, I do."

"Your optimism inspires me, Kathy," you said. "I hope we get back, but... sometimes that hope seems so far away."

She reached over and took your hand, giving it a small squeeze. "When we get back, what's the first thing you'll do?"

"Contact my family," you replied. "Maybe throw a party."

"Will I be invited to the party?"

You smiled. "Hm, I don't know..."

With a roll of the eyes, Kathryn said, "Fine, then I won't invite you to join me when I adopt a new dog."

"What kind of dog do you want to get?"

She glanced out the window as she thought about that for a moment. "I'm honestly not sure. Any dog who needs a home is welcome to become a part of my family."

You smiled. "Any dog would be lucky to have you as their family."

Kathryn smiled. "I hope Mollie and her puppies are doing all right."

"I'm sure they are. You've told me what a good man and dog owner Mark is. He would have made sure the puppies all went to good homes."

Kathryn nodded, slowly taking a drink of her coffee. Her smile turned somber and her gaze dark. You quickly reached over and took her hand. You knew she still missed Mark, even after all these years and knowing he most likely had moved on. It still hurt, and you have no doubt she was also missing her dog.

She squeezed your hand and the two of you fell into silence for some time. The two of you sat there, holding hands gently as you both thought of Earth. Being in the Delta Quadrant was hard to say the least but, you were grateful to be surrounded by people like Kathryn. People who knew exactly how you were feeling and knew what to do when you were feeling down.

And Kathryn was eternally grateful for you. Being Captain meant she didn't have the luxury of getting as close to the crew as others could. She was also fairly selective with whom she let into her life. But talking to you was so easy, so natural and you were always so kind and understanding. She didn't know what she would have done without you onboard.

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