AOS/TOS. Pavel Chekov - Set Up

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You approached your superior officer, Scotty, and handed him a PADD. "I finished the diagnostic on the intake manifolds," you told him.

Scotty smiled as he skimmed your report. "Good work, Lassy. Why don't ye' help Chekov finish his diagnostic on the plasma relays?"

You nodded and crossed engineering to find Chekov running his scans.

"How's it coming?" you asked.

Chekov glanced at you, trying to hide the smile from spreading across his face. "Eet's okay," he said. "I vas about to run a simulation of an overload in this system, but eet von't let me. I can't figure out vhy it von't vork."

You furrowed your eyebrow slightly. "Hm. Let me take a look."

He stepped aside a little and let you approach the panel. "Have you made sure to set the parameters for the simulation?"

"Yes, and I tried to manually do the simulation, too."

"That's odd. There must be something wrong with this system," you said. Turning to look at him, you realized he had moved closer. You smiled slightly. "Let's see if we can figure this out."

Chekov nodded slightly. "Aye."

The two of you worked together for the next little while until you came across a faulty relay circuit in the system.

"This must be what's causing our issue," you told him.

Chekov ran a scan and nodded. "I think you're right."

You took out the circuit and stood up. "I'll go get a new one, and hopefully the system will be as good as new."

As you went to the storage compartment, you ran into Scotty.

"Did ye' find the problem with the simulation?" he asked you.

You nodded, holding up the relay circuit. "Yep. This is busted—wait, how did you know there was a problem with the simulation trials? We didn't give you a report yet."

Scotty frowned. "Oh, er, I checked up on the lad earlier."

You narrowed your eyes at him. "Chekov was only just starting the simulation went I went over to him." Realization dawned on you and you gaped at your superior officer. "Did you have something to do with this circuit being faulty?"

"Me?" Scotty asked. "How dare ye' accuse me of such a thing!"

You raised your eyebrow at him challengingly. Even though he was your superior, you two were close friends and you knew when he was lying. "What did you do?"

Scotty sighed. "All right, all right. I put the circuit in there earlier before I sent Chekov to work on it."

"Why?" you asked incredulously.

"To get the two of you to work together," he replied.

Your brow furrowed. Now you were even more confused than you already were. "Why?"

"Because the two of ye' clearly have feelings for each other!" he whisper-shouted. "I was just tryin' te' get you two closer."

You huffed out a laugh. "Me and Chekov? Yeah right."

"I've known ye' for years, Y/N. I know when ye' like someone," he insisted. "I think he likes ye' too. You should spend more time with the lad."

You sighed and shook your head slowly. "I can't believe you sabotaged your own engine room just to try and set me up with Chekov."

Scotty laughed slightly. "It was only one system, and it's not even important. It's an easy fix, too."

You rolled your eyes.

"Why don't ye' take off early? Your shift is almost done anyway and you've been working hard all day. You and Chekov could get something to eat." He took the relay circuit from you. "I'll fix this."

You sighed again and smiled slightly. "You sure?"

Scotty grinned at you and nodded. "Go. Tell him he's off, too."

"Thanks," you said, finally giving in. You went back to Chekov. "Hey, Scotty said we can leave a bit early if you want to go grab something to eat."

Chekov looked puzzled. "Vhy?"

You shrugged. "He said we worked hard today and there's not much else to do, so we can leave early."

"But the simulation..."

"Scotty's going to fix it," you assured him. "Aren't you hungry? We can get some food and maybe talk for a bit?"

Chekov smiled meekly. "I vould like that... but only if Mister Scott is sure ve can leave..."

You nodded. "He was pretty insistent."

"Okay, then let's go."

As you and Chekov left engineering, you saw Scotty giving you a thumbs up with a wide smile on his face. You rolled your eyes and smiled, following Chekov out.

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