AOS/TOS. The Enterprise Crew Finding Out You're Bisexual Would Include...

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A/N: This is the first time I've written headcanons for all of the main characters. Enjoy!

Jim Kirk

Jim would be so happy when you told him, because he just loves you so much and to have you trusting him with that information would make him very happy. He's pretty nosey though, so he'd probably ask you all sorts of questions like when you discovered your sexuality and what your previous relationships were like. He wouldn't ask those questions to pry, he'd just be excited to be able to learn more about you and would want to know everything there is to know.


Spock has studied human sexuality at some detail out of interest, so he when you told him you were bisexual he would start to spout out facts about bisexuality like famous humans who identified as bisexual, or the percentage of people who identified as bisexual at a certain time. He wouldn't try to make a big deal about it, it was just that he'd never had the opportunity to share all of that information with someone. He'd then tell you about Vulcan sexuality because it seemed only fair for you to understand how his people viewed and identified sexualities.

Leonard "Bones" McCoy

He's a doctor, so I'm sure he would have had to study about sexuality at one point or another. He'd understand it well, and when you told him he would just kind of shrug it off because it wasn't a big deal to him. Of course he'd be happy that you told him, but it wouldn't change anything in your relationship. You were you. He loved you, and he didn't care what genders you were attracted to. He'd tell you as much, and would tell you that you never had to hide any part of yourself when you were around him.

Nyota Uhura

Uhura would patiently and respectfully listen to you as you explained your sexuality to her. She wouldn't interrupt or make any expressions other than one of interest. When you were done, she'd tell you how happy she was that you told her and how proud she was of you for loving yourself and accepting who you are. She'd hug you, and kiss you, and just tell you over and over again how proud she is of you.

Pavel Chekov

Being so young and being that defining sexuality would probably be different in the future, Chekov wouldn't entirely understand. You'd explain the concept of sexuality and the history of sexualities. He'd do his best to understand and would then do some research on in afterwards so he could support you and understand you better. While researching, he'd learn about Pride Month and would suggest that you should organize a party or event in celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. He'd help you plan it, of course, and he'd do his best to understand and learn more about the community.

Hikaru Sulu

Sulu would be very excited when you told him. He'd think it's absolutely amazing that you're comfortable with who you are and feel supported enough to be open about your true self. He'd give you lots of hugs, telling you how proud he is of you and how much he loves you. He'd feel so honoured that you shared that part of yourself with him that he'd share something with you that he'd never told you before. He would support you in any way he could – whether that be educating others who question what bisexuality meant, or defending you against those who didn't approve.

Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

A bit like Chekov, Scotty wouldn't really know what being bisexual meant. He'd know a bit more than Chekov, but probably only some old stereotypes (like, say, bisexuals always want to have threesomes or are more likely to cheat). You'd explain to him what it meant you'd debunk all of the stereotypes and myths surrounding your sexuality. He'd think that it was really interesting. He'd be eager to learn more and would ask you questions about sexuality. He'd give you all of his support and love, though, even if it was a bit confusing for him.

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