Disco. Christopher Pike - You're In Labour

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A/N: This is set on Discovery

You hobbled into sickbay, hand rested on your swollen stomach.

"Y/N?" Doctor Culber asked, frowning at your apparent discomfort.

"Hugh, I think I'm having contractions," you told him.

Hugh's eyes widened and he smiled. "All right let's take a look. Come sit down."

He helped you up onto a biobed and you cringed as another wave of pain hit.

Hugh scanned you. "Yup, what you're feeling are contractions. Congratulations, Y/N, you're in labour."

You smiled, despite the pain. "I am? Oh thank God. I can't wait to get this baby out of me."

Hugh laughed lightly. "I don't want to discourage you, but active labour can occur for a while before the baby's ready to come out."

You sighed and nodded slightly. "Yeah, I remember reading that."

"How long have you been having these?"

"Maybe an hour? At first I thought the baby was just kicking hard, then the second time it was a bit more painful. But I didn't want to come all the way down here if they were just Braxton Hicks."

Hugh nodded. "And approximately how far apart are they?"

"I don't know, maybe ten or fifteen minutes?"

He nodded and scanned down at your groin. "That sounds about right. You're only three centimetres dilated right now."

You leaned your head back and sighed. "Should I call Chris down? I don't want to pull him away from his duties when the baby isn't even coming for ages."

Hugh put his hand onto your arm. "I think Captain Pike will want to be here with you for all of it."

You smiled softly. You and Chris had only been on Discovery for a short time, but the crew was already starting to feel like family. You were grateful to have Hugh with you during this. "You're right." You took out your communicator. "Y/N to Captain Pike."

"Pike here," he replied within a few seconds.

"Chris, can you come down to sickbay?" you asked.

"Is everything okay?" he asked anxiously.

"Yeah," you replied, "I'm uh, I'm in labour."

You heard cheers of congratulations in the background and you smiled.

"Seriously?" Chris asked excitedly. "This isn't false labour?"

"No, it's the real thing."

"I'll be right down," he said, then the communication was cut off.

Chris arrived minutes later, rushing in with a wide grin on his face. "Y/N! How are you feeling? How far along are you?"

"I'm okay, all things considered. I'm not that far along yet, the contractions only started about an hour ago."

He took your hand and kissed your knuckles softly. "Oh my God, this is actually happening."

You smiled and squeezed his hand lightly. "It'll be a while before the baby comes."

"But still. Soon we'll be able to hold him," he gushed, putting his free hand onto your stomach.

Another contraction hit and you squeezed Chris's hand tighter. You groaned in pain and furrowed your brow together.

"You're okay," Chris soothed.

When the contraction ended, you looked over to Hugh who was monitoring yours and the baby's vitals. "Since these are only going to get worse, can I have something for the pain?"

Hugh nodded. "I'll give you something more on the mild side for now so we can save the stronger medicine for when the pain is worse."

You nodded. "Thanks."

Hugh gave you an injection and you thanked him again.

"We still need to decide on a name," you mused.

Chris smiled and sat on the edge of the biobed. "We have plenty of time to worry about that. Some parents don't decide on a name until after the baby is born."

You nodded. "That's true. Maybe when we finally meet our son the name will just come to us."

Chris nodded and kissed your temple softly.

"We're ready for this, right?" you asked softly.

Chris looked at you with a smile on his face. "Are you kidding? Y/N, I don't think we could be more ready."

"You think so?"

"I know so," he replied. "We're going to be amazing parents, Y/N. I promise."

You smiled and leaned your head against his shoulder. "I can't wait to meet him."

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