Kuramochi Youchi X Reader

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Hiii~ I'm back with another update

This was requested by @rEtArTeD_OtAkU although I'm not sure if they still go by that username since they requested for a long time already but uhhh...if they're still reading this I hope this was what they wanted and it satisfies them

Once again before anything, just a completely random thought I absolutely adore Kuramochi's laugh

That's all have fun reading~


"When he laughs it's like I get addicted to the sound, it's something I will never get tired of, when he talks about his passion it's like his eyes are shining, maybe they can even compare to the stars in a dark night and when he smiles, my god I can feel my heart hammering against my chest!"

Kuramochi shakes his head as he tries to forget about your sappy words, no it wasn't even something from those cheesy romantic movies and novels you liked to watch- as far as he was concerned that is- it came from your own lips and thoughts

Kuramochi likes to think he's someone who's not into any of those romantic shit, no, he had baseball to keep him preoccupied and he was happy to play it with the best teammates he could ask for, but as he thought about your words, he couldn't help but feel like he's yearning for something...or rather someone and he knew exactly who he wants

He knows you always yearned for love, he would even go far and call you a hopeless romantic. With all your ideals on love, he often teases you about your thoughts on it but as time passed on, whenever you described the feeling of falling in love he finds himself relating to your words


"When she laughs it's like I get too addicted to the sound, it's something I will never get tired of."

Kuramochi didn't know why he agreed to go out with you that day, rather than relaxing in his room and playing games or doing batting practice, perhaps it was because of your persuading abilities that he couldn't say no, or maybe he just really didn't want to let you go out without him for he was worried that something might happen to you while you were out or he just badly wanted to spend time with you. You were his friend and even though he would never say it out loud, you were someone he loved to hang out with, you were easygoing and an overall fun person

But what's more amazing is how you managed to ask some of his other teammates to actually go out with you. Now here you were with Yuki- who surprisingly took a break from batting- Jun- well he's already given since Yuki did agree to go out, Miyuki- it would be surprising but he knew that even Miyuki liked you- Ryousuke- the friendship was surprising and got Kuramochi worried that you might spill some of his embarrassing secrets to his partner-  Sawamura- who grew too fond of you- and Masuko- just like Sawamura he took a liking at you after spending so much time in his room

Was he annoyed? No, if anything he found it amazing how you were able to befriend almost everybody in the first string

But he couldn't remove the thought of wanting to spend time with you alone, how long has it been since the two of you hang out with just the two of you? Kuramochi wasn't sure

Kuramochi was woken up from his trance upon hearing you laugh from the other side of the table, in front of him and next to Miyuki. Kuramochi finds himself smiling as he stares at you, your laugh was loud and you never hide the big smile that came along with it, but he loves it. You always sound and look genuinely having a good time when you laughed that he, himself couldn't help the smile that formed on his face at the sound of it

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