Kataoka Tesshin X Reader

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Hey guys! How are you? Did you have your exams or are you on vacation? Good luck and I hope you enjoy the vacation!

This was requested by @Purple_DeathDragon thank you so much for requesting! It took a bit of time but I hope you enjoy it and this was what you wanted! It was really fun to write, so thank you!

Request are open if you have any please comment or message me with a bit of description and what act it is!

That's all thank you and enjoy~


"Wah that was hard!" Sawamura stretches his arms after finishing his assignment

"Thank you, Kataoka-san!" Sawamura says gratefully and after a few minutes choruses of thank you follows

"Alright, make sure none of you fails a subject, first string or not." You reminds them who all nods

"Rest well, tomorrow you'll have another hard day," You continue to remind them but you also know you can't stop them from training at night

"Jeez, those boys." You sigh, looking around the cafeteria, expecting that there would be a mess just like the first time

"Don't worry Kataoka-san, I already asked them to clean themselves," Miyuki says about to follow the team out

"Also..." he trails off awkwardly, looking away, "You should rest, you've been taking care of us for the past few weeks." He adds hastily before walking out

You smile to yourself, that was the first time Miyuki said something like that to you. Following his instructions, you walk out of the cafeteria and towards your husband, Kataoka's office

"Tesshin?" You ask softly, opening the door and seeing him checking his students' homework

"Shouldn't you already be resting?"

"Shouldn't you also?" He questions back

Sitting beside him, you look over the notes and giggle at what one of his students wrote on their homework

"Aren't you tired? It looked like the boys grew too fond of you." Kataoka says, closing the notebook and looking at you

"I'm fine," You lay your head on his shoulder while Kataoka instinctively wraps his arms around you

"Hey, Tesshin, why don't you take your shades off? No wonder Sawamura keeps calling you boss, you look like a mafia leader" You tease your husband who rolled his eyes behind the glasses

"You're married to me, you know."

"Yeah, weird right?"

Even before Kataoka can say something, somebody knocks on the door

"Come in," Kataoka says while you sit up properly

"Kataoka-san?" Asada peeks his head at the door, his eyes widening when he sees you and Kataoka beside each other, "Sorry! You two must be—"

"No! Do you need anything Asada-kun?" You ask the nervous bespectacled male warmly, who nods and behind him, you could see a few other first years

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"Yes please."

You hum, turning to your frowning husband, "I'll come back soon." You smile at him, "Don't miss me too much~"

When you were outside, Kataoka smiles to himself and goes back to work


You open the door, causing Kataoka to look over

"What did they need?"

"They just asked for advice." You reply, going back to your earlier position

"Did they have that many problems for you to take so long?"

You let out a sigh, after talking to the first years, the next thing you knew Sawamura and Furuya were pulling you into checking their forms while Haruichi attempted to control the two second years, and after that, you had to stop Kuramochi from beating up Sawamura because according to him, "He was disturbing Kataoka-san with his noise." Then when you were about to leave, some second-string players chatted with you and thanked you for helping them

"A few other people might have talked to me." You say slowly while Kataoka raises his eyebrows

Seeing the curious look on your husband's face, you decide to tell him everything

"They like you too much." He says without missing a beat

"Do they?" You ask in amusement, "I'm glad if that's the case! I want those boys to feel at home here." You smile, thinking of how much everyone has warmed up to you, even the managers seek you for help with managerial work and personal conflicts

Sitting beside Kataoka, a comfortable silence falls on the both of you as he continues his work while you sit beside him, watching him do his work

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