Kuramochi Youchi X Chubby! Reader

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You walk down the hall, looking down as you hear whispers from onlookers

Being Kuramochi's girlfriend was both a blessing and a curse for you, a blessing because you have such a wonderful boyfriend but a curse because he was popular, which meant once you're with him, all eyes stare at you

"How does she fit in there?"

"She's so big!"

"What does he see in her anyway?"

"Kuramochi-kun just probably feels bad for her."

"Oi, What do you think you're saying?" you heard a loud voice emit from behind you as the onlookers ran away, scared that your boyfriend might beat them up

"Youchi," you mumble as he reaches out to hold your hand in his

"Did they do anything?" He asks you softly, squeezing your hand making you shake your head and reassure him that nothing happened,

"We should go, we wouldn't want the food to be finished," he teases causing you to blush as both of you walked towards the cafeteria

"Kuramochi-kun," a feminine voice called, making both of you stop on your walk

You looked around and saw that the male students were looking at and saw a very beautiful girl in front of you

"Hey, ( girl's name)," Kuramochi greets the girl as the girl giggled, twirling a strand of hair flirtatiously

"Are you getting lunch? Can I come?" She asked sweetly, giving him a smile and batting her eyelashes but Kuramochi just frowned

"Sorry, (first name) and I are already eating together," he apologizes as ( girl's name) turned her attention to you

"Oh," she commented, looking you up and down, a look of disgust clearly written on her face,

"See you then," she bids him goodbye, giving you one last dirty look before walking away

"Ready to go?" He asked making you turn your attention back to him and nod


At the end of the day, you were about to walk home when a well-manicured hand gripped your wrist

"I heard, you were Kuramochi-kun's girlfriend," (girl's name) sneers, "Do you really think that he would be with you forever? Once he notices how ugly you are, he would instantly run away," she tilts her head to the side, "who would want a fat bitch like you?" She laughed as she lets go of your hand and strutted away, her hair hitting your face along the way,

But little did both of you know that a certain idiot was listening,

At the field, Kuramochi was looking at the sidelines, expecting to see his beloved girlfriend watching, but she still hasn't come,

'Where is she?' He wondered as Sawamura came in, running full speed towards Kuramochi

"Kuramochi-senpai, I can't believe you're gonna break (Last name)-senpai's heart!" He exclaims as Kuramochi glares at him because of his statement

"What did you say?" He growls, getting angry at the accusation,

'How can I break her heart when I love her already?' He asked himself as Sawamura continued to glare at him

"I heard (girl's name) say to (Last name)-senpai that you were gonna leave her because you think she's fat!" He exclaims as Kuramochi's eyebrows furrowed

"What did she say?" He asks angrily as Sawamura retreated upon seeing the scary aura around his senior

The next day, you were avoiding Kuramochi, though, you didn't want to, seeing (girl's name) following him around broke your heart, especially when seeing how good of a couple they make

You frown as your stomach grumble

"What do you think you're doing?" You hear Kuramochi's voice say from behind, causing you to turn around and see that he was frowning

"Youchi," you murmur as he walked toward you

"Do you think starving yourself is good?" He asked you angrily as you looked down, "why have you been avoiding me? Is it because of what that stupid girl said? I've told you multiple times that I don't care about how you look, I love you for who you are," he says, looking into your eyes

"Youchi," you whisper as he closes the gap between you and kissed you

"Kuramochi-kun~" you heard (girl's name) making you try to push Kuramochi away but he just holds your waist closer

"Let her see that you're the person that I want." He murmurs as he kissed you more passionately

Heyaaaa guys, another update!

To be honest, I got the inspiration for this oneshot from the teasings

Some people at my school would often call me fat and other names and I just felt like writing something about that

And well, I just thought, what if any of this idiot dated someone who's not so fit?

You know, someone who would love you and accept you for who you are

That's all, thanks for reading! ✌️

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