Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader

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I was supposed to post this 2 days ago but a lot of things happened that I forgot to do it 😭

Anyways, I really wanted to make that Yuki sort of scenario with Chris so I guess I ended up with this


You groan as you open your eyes to be greeted with the bright light in your living room, it was a few hours after you got out of work, and out of tiredness, you couldn't help but nap before starting dinner for you and your husband

Speaking of, you look at the clock and noticed that it was already almost 9 pm, hurrying on your feet you made a beeline to the kitchen just to see Chris already cooking

"What are you doing?" You ask as Chris looks up

"Had a good sleep?" He asks as you frown and walk towards him, "Give me that, and I'll do it. You're most likely tired from training." You try getting the pan away from him but Chris pulls it away from you

"And you're tired from work." He replies simply as he turns the stove on and places the pan on it, "Let me cook for us tonight so you can rest, okay?" He says before kissing your temple

"How can I argue with you when you act so sweetly?" You whine as he chuckles, eyes starting to focus on the food he was supposed to make

You watch as he starts cooking, you would be lying if you said you didn't hit the jackpot with Chris; a soft-spoken man, respectful, understanding, supportive, loving, handsome, and all the other nice adjectives in the dictionary. If life was a lottery then you might as well have won the most prominent price money—only your husband was better, no money can amount to the love he gives you every day since you two started dating and more so when you two got married

"What are you looking at?" He asks as you snap out of your thoughts and smile at him

"Just thinking how lucky I am to have you." You hum before moving to hug him from behind, "Sorry for suddenly giving you cooking duties." You mumble as you nuzzle your nose on his back

"Don't be, you had a long day and it's normal for me to take care of you." He answers

"I love you, you know that?" You say and stand on your toes so you could kiss the back of his neck

"Of course I do." He hums, "And I love you too." He says before turning around and pecking you on the lips before returning his attention back to the food

You smile in content before tightening your arms around him as you rest your cheek on his back, listening to the sizzling sound of the food being cooked by Chris

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