Yuki Tetsuya X Reader 2

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You stuck your head out of the door, and looked around to make sure the coast was clear

After yesterday's embarrassing event, Did anyone expect you to watch their practice?

You sighed in relief and walked out the room, humming happily to yourself, proud that you got out of that situation

"(Last name)," Yuki's deep voice said from behind you as if a rat caught by a mouse, you felt like shrinking

"Hello Yuki-kun." you greeted him weakly

"I thought you were watching practice?"

"Eh hehe" you laughed nervously but abruptly stopped as you saw Yuki looking at you

"I thought you were joking about it," you mumbled, blushing beet red and attempting to conceal your face from his field of vision

"Why would I joke about that?" He asked you as you gulped, looking at his face and turning redder

"Sorry," You stuttered but he just continued to stare you down

"Come on, we'll be late," he said as he held out his hand for you to take, looking like it was nothing but to you it was everything

"Okay." You stuttered and took his hand which seemed calloused, but that made it better for you, it showed that Yuki is a hardworking man

You blushed redder as both of you walked towards the field, and finally, when you reached the field, all the members were gawking at their captain who was holding hands with a girl who looked like she was about to pass out

"Oi (Last name), good to see that you came!" Jun yelled, his rough voice seemed too loud

"Eh? Isn't that the girl that admired you?"Sawamura asked as he stared at you

"She's cute." he blushed as he continued to stare at you, you felt your face flush a darker shade of red, because of the compliment

As you were being gawked out, you felt Yuki's hand tighten around yours

"Go to the dugout," Yuki said to you as you nodded and walked towards the dugout, where the coach was standing, also shocked that Yuki brought a girl, but was hiding his emotions very well behind the shades

"Good afternoon." you mumbled as he nodded at you

You stood beside the coach and watched the practice, planning to run away as soon as you get the chance 

And it did, after thirty minutes the whole team was engrossed at pitching, fielding, and batting that none of them noticed you leaving

As you thought

"(Last name) where are you going?" Chris asked you

"Well you see" you blushed as he continued to wait patiently for your answer, "I need to go to the bathroom" you answered finally

"Why do you need the bag?"

"Well-girls have this thing that happens once a month" you tried to explain as his eyes widen

"Oh I see," he quickly said as he let you pass, "hopefully you come back quickly, Yuki seems more fired up whenever you're watching." he smiled at you and walked towards the field

"Hai" you answered and went to the bathroom as you said, you puffed out your cheeks as you stared at yourself in the mirror, looking at your flustered face you shook your head and tied your hair up

'Yuki-kun invited me to watch so why would I feel embarrassed?' You asked yourself

"Okay then" you muttered, slapping yourself softly so that you'd get back to reality

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