Yuki Tetsuya X Reader

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Hi everyone~ Sorry I didn't get to update for such a long time again :(( I underestimated the amount of workload I was to receive :) so it piled up and I had to finish them but thankfully there's nothing much to do these days so I got to update ;))

It isn't a request but I got the idea from Twice's Signal and Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun so here it is! I hope everybody likes this!

Have fun reading and stay safe~


"Do you need to go to the bathroom, (Last name)?" Yuki asks you, furrowing his eyebrows down at you

You stand up properly and look up at him blankly, "do I really look like I need to go to the bathroom?"


'Curse him for being too honest.' You think bitterly as you walk towards the bathroom, you really didn't need to. But seeing Isashiki laughing at you behind Yuki made you embarrassed, making the latter laugh louder

'And an airhead.' You think to yourself, 'How many signs have I given him that I like him? Yet here I am. Getting asked if I needed to use the bathroom when I'm basically trying to look cute—' You rant inside your head and wash your face in the bathroom, rubbing your face so hard out of frustration

You didn't remember how exactly you fell for Yuki but the next thing you knew you were head over heels for the captain... who seemed to only fill his head with baseball

Not only that but nobody told you how difficult it was to make your feelings known for someone so...dense. You start wondering whether all your hard work was really leading you to reach the base or just making you run around in circles without any answers or points for all your hard work

"The cons of falling for a baseball idiot." You mumble, shaking your head as you walk out, bumping into Chris on the way out

"It didn't end well?" He asks while you groan and look up at him,

"Did you expect anything else?" You grumble while he smiles at you reluctantly

"He'll get it... someday." He trails off, making you slump down at what he said

Although, you know he was right. Yuki, despite being a great leader is a bit of an...airhead

But god, he's probably the cutest airhead you have ever seen. Perhaps that's the reason why you could never let go of your crush on him. Whenever you tried to move on, it was as if he was always there to remind you that 'I am the guy you like! The guy who you've been yearning for throughout your whole high school!' You shake your head in an attempt to remove the dialogue and Yuki's voice in your mind

"Well whatever, let's just do what we can." You motivate yourself and continue walking, stopping for a moment to check your appearance in the nearby window

"Alright, boys, the food's here!" You yell throughout the field as the players rush towards you and the other managers to get their food

"This is so good!"

"Thank you, managers!"

"Please add chicken next time!"

"Yuki?" You ask Yuki who was in front of you, "Did you need anything?" You ask hopefully, pushing your hair behind your ear and batting your eyelashes at him. Trying to allure him with your looks

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