Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY MIYUKI KAZUYA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIYUKI KAZUYA!So this is a bit late, sorry for that. But here is a chapter for our birthday boy, give it up for, drum roll please.......MIYUKI KAZUYA!!!!

Miyuki looks over to his girlfriend who was whispering something to Kuramochi, feeling a surge of anger pulse through his veins, he sighs in annoyance

'What is that idiot doing?' He asks himself, frustrated that you have been acting weird for almost two weeks

first you went to practice and instead of supporting him, who was your boyfriend, you're always with the other members, seemingly discussing something and when both of you were together, you were always either on your phone or staring off into space

He takes another glance at you and Kuramochi and frowns at the sight, he was jealous, there was no way he could deny it anymore

"Tsk," He clicks his tongue in annoyance, standing up and walking out the room, going straight to the rooftop to clear his thoughts

"Mochi-kun, come on!" You groan, giving the shortstop a frustrated look, "he's your friend! Just help us, even Sawamura and Furuya agreed to help, along with the third years!" You whine causing the shortstop to sigh

"Fine," He grumbles making your eyes light up

"Thanks, Mochi-kun!" You gush in happiness, giving the shortstop a list of things that he has to buy

"How did you even get the first years and third years to do this?" He asks, his curiosity taking over. Not everyone on the team was easy to convince, and not everyone was fond of Miyuki

"Oh you know, a bit of talking to the nice ones and a bit of blackmail to the stubborn ones," you shrug, making the shortstop sigh on why he would even bother asking

As the afternoon rolls by, Miyuki was kneeling, asking pitch after pitch from Kawakami

"Oi, Nori do you know he reason why (first name) has been ignoring me?" He asks the sidearm pitcher whose eyes widened

"No-no, not at all!" Kawakami quickly denies, not wanting to ruin the surprise

Miyuki narrows his eyes, feeling more annoyed than he was before

A day has passed and it was now November 17, his birthday, he lies in bed waiting for a message from you,

7:00 am

'That idiot is still most probably asleep'  He says to himself, before letting out a smile when he thought about your sleeping face, even though you had drool on your cheeks, he still thought that you were the most beautiful person he has ever seen

12:00 noon

'Maybe she has to do something' he thinks to himself and asks Sawamura for an inside pitch

3:00 pm

'She is stupid but I'm sure she wouldn't forget'  He says to himself, almost getting his head hit by a ball when he wasn't looking

7:00 pm

'She forgot, I can't believe she forgot'  He thinks, sulking as he walks. Miyuki never looked forward to his birthday, but since meeting you, everything has changed, unlike his father who always seemed busy and never really got him or done anything for his birthday, you were the opposite, always giving him something and making him feel special and that makes his heart swell with happiness (though he would never admit), sighing he opened the door to the cafeteria

'I can't belie—'

"Surprise!" The whole team, including you, shouts, turning on the lights as Miyuki walks inside the room

"Wha—?" He asks looking around, seeing the banners saying the message 'Happy birthday Miyuki Kazuya' writes in a messy handwriting that could only mean either Sawamura or Furuya did it, the food laid infront of him, and the party hats on everybody, even the seniors

"Who did this?" He asked, still gaping at everything

"Happy birthday, Kazu~!" You exclaimed merrily, giving the catcher a bear hug

"You planned this?" He asked in awe as you gave him a weird look

"Who else would do this for an asshole?" You tease but Miyuki just stared at you, feeling immense love and happiness that it seemed to him he was about to burst


You were cut short when you were suddenly pulled into a passionate kiss, making your eyes widen but instantly shut close and kiss Miyuki back. This was probably one of the rare moments he was willing to partake in showing affection in public

Behind you, you heard whooping and wolf whistles (and shouts from Isashiki and Sawamura) but you just block them out and continue to kiss Miyuki

"Thank you," he breathed but instantly turn red upon noticing on what he did infront of all the members of the team

You both look at the team expectantly and saw that they were all still whooping with their eyes closed

You rolled your eyes, "Okay, baseball boys! Time to eat!" You announce making them open their eyes and instantly grab for a plate

"Thanks for this," Miyuki whispers after almost an hour since the party started

"It's nothing," you hummed and gave him a smile making his heart flutter at the sight

"I love you, weirdo."

"I love you too, pretty boy catcher."

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