Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader

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Hey peeps! How are you?

I got the idea for this oneshot... to be honest I don't know, it just passed through my mind that what if he has a girlfriend and ask him to buy her pads???? Though I'm not sure if I got his character perfectly :p, so I guess I'll say sorry in advance

He's so pretty really anime guys need to stop being pretty (Though I wouldn't mind if they became real though)

Das all, request are open if you have any please comment or message me!

Thank you, I'll let you read now! Enjoy~

"Tch, why did you even call me for this?" Your boyfriend, Shirakawa Katsuyuki, grumbles through the phone

"Because you're my boyfriend," You reply simply, stuffing your mouth with chips

"That doesn't explain anything,"

"Come on, just for once be sweet Katsu~" you whine and on the other line you heard him sigh, muttering a 'why am I dating you?'

"Shhh you know you love me Katsu, see you!~" you giggle before ending the call

"She didn't even tell me what she used," He sighs, looking through the tampon/pad aisle

In his pocket, he felt his phone vibrate

To: Katsu
From: (First name)

Neh Katsu can you also buy me chocolates and chips? Thank you love you Katsu :-)

'What am I her maid?' He thinks to himself, but despite his words, his mouth twitches up

"Sir, can we help you with anything?" A staff asked, "You've been looking here for almost ten minutes," She chuckles lightly, not noticing Shirakawa's embarrassed face


"Katsu!" You cheer, running towards him, enveloping him in a hug

"Here," He says, handing you the bag, "Next time tell me what brand you use," He scolds you, about to walk towards your bed but he stops short when he sees the mess

"Thanks, Katsu though it took a bit of time," You say, grabbing a pack of candy

Shirakawa watches you rip open the pack and started munching on the potato chips

"What is this?" He demands, "clothes on the floor, the bed's unruly, and why is there a stuffed toy that has been cut open?" He asks you, giving you a deadly glare

"For something?" You answer, smiling at him innocently making the shortstop heave a sigh

"Just go... clean yourself," he tells you, looking at your disheveled appearance

"Kay~" You hum, walking towards the bathroom

Shirakawa looks at your room, feeling annoyed by the mess

'Why am I going out with her?' He asks himself but he knew that he loves you for who you are and everything you've done for him

You walk out of the bathroom and look around your room in amazement

"Waah thanks, Kat—" you trail off, looking at your boyfriend's sleeping form

You walk towards him and push the hair that was covering his face, smiling at how peaceful he looks while sleeping

"Thank you for everything, Katsu," you kiss his cheeks, laying beside him, enjoying the warmth that was emitting from him, and fell into a deep sleep

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