Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hi everyone!

This was requested by @Knooxx06 thank you so much for the request! I hope you also like this one! Also sorry if I got more idea in shojo mangas/ anime...it's kinda funny cause I also love to read especially romance (That's probably the genre that I read and watched the most) but when writing it looked like I forgot about all of it 🙃Anyways I hope it's alright!

Also, it's not fair that even real life miyuki looks good

Anyways, stay safe and enjoy~


You close your book with a content sigh, just in time as the baseball team enters the room

Your eyes couldn't help but scan the group looking for Miyuki, almost jumping in surprise when you saw him already staring at you

'Shit! Did he feel my eyes on him this past few days?' You think as you hide your face behind your book

"Ah Miyuki-kun, here's the scorebook!" Sachiko, one of the managers enters the classroom and gives something to Miyuki

'Are they going out?' You couldn't help but wonder, but as you watch them talk to one another, it seemed like they were close considering they were bantering a bit

"I...I can't lose," You mumble, "Maybe it's about time I confess?" You wonder, completely oblivious that the catcher himself kept glancing your way

"Okay," You take in a deep breath as you read what you had just written on the paper

Dear Miyuki-kun

This may sound cheesy but I have liked you for quite some time, I'm probably a complete stranger to you but I want to express my feelings
You see I'm a reader, I love reading and I swore at first I would only ever like fictional guys, that was until you came along. My friend dragged me out to watch the baseball team and that was the first time I noticed you, you seemed to be shining when you were playing and I couldn't help but be reminded of some characters from my book
Handsome, sporty and I guess kinda funny that's basically the basic components of a male lead and you fit those standards perfectly
I admit at first that was the only reason I liked you but soon we ended up in the same class and the more I get to watch you the more—

"(Last name)-san, are you listening to me?" Your literature teacher demands as you instantly look up at him

"What are you doing?" He crosses his arms

"Nothing sensei!"

"You're reading something, aren't you? Come on show it to the whole class."

You gulp as you look around the class, sure there were some books with confessions like this but that wasn't the type you want to follow

"N-no sensei!" You want to close your eyes at what you said, god you were in so much trouble

"No? Then would you prefer to step outside and go to detention later?" He barks

"Does that mean I won't have to read it...?" You ask meekly and you swore you could see steam coming out of his ears

"That's it!" He roars, "You go outside until the end of class and further punishment will be given later!"

You immediately hide the letter inside a book you were reading and headed for the door with your eyes on the floor

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