Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader

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Yah I haven't updated for a whole month and I'm sorry, I just had a busy month and didn't have that much time to write something
This is just a random idea that came to mind 😋 I'm not sure how it turned out but I hope you guys enjoy it
Oh the next one might be a request the Miyuki pt 2? You know where they had a fight, he confessed and yada yada

Requests are open, if you have any please comment or message me and add a bit of description on how you want it to go and which act



Shirakawa was never one to be jealous, but as he watches you smile over some idol on your phone and focus your attention on them instead of spending time with him, he just can't help feeling annoyed by the whole thing

"Tch." You hear your boyfriend click his tongue, causing you to pause the video and glance at him,

"You alright?" You ask him who merely nods,  upon seeing his reaction, you shrugged and continue watching the video

"(Favorite idol's name) So cute!" You giggle, your eyes glued on the screen

Suddenly you feel someone wrap their arms around you, pulling you close to their chest, looking up, you chuckle at Shirakawa's red face as he avoids eye contact with you

"Were you jealous Katsu~?" You ask the redhead teasingly, causing him to roll his eyes at you

"Of course not." He lies, but you just chuckle and kiss his cheek

"Then I guess I'll just continue watching them~" You grin, playing the video once more, getting mesmerized by their flawless performance

But it didn't last long until you feel someone glaring at your cellphone screen

"Katsu, don't look like you're going to kill them." You scold him, pausing the video and looking up at Shirakawa

"Stop watching and just cuddle." He murmurs, looking away from you

You place your phone beside you, before kissing Shirakawa's cheek causing him to turn red once more

"You're really cute when you're jealous, you know?" You smile teasingly, wrapping your arms around him while he scoffs, but tighten his grip around you. Enjoying the comfortable silence and time he got to spend with you

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