Sanada Shunpei X Reader

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Hey guys!

So this oneshot was requested by @Rin-Chan06 , thank you so much for requesting! Your requests are lovely and hopefully you also like this one!
Sanada's one of the prettiest pitcher from opposing teams 🥰 to be honest,

That's all, requests are open, if you have any please comment or message me and add a bit of description on how you want it to be!

Thank you and enjoy!

"Shunpei!" You call, walking towards the team when they were taking a break from training

"(First name)," he greets as you kiss his cheek

"(Last name), What are you doing here? To cheer on your boyfriend?" Coach Todoroki asks, grinning slightly

"I am and to also give you this!" You smile brightly before showing the team the plastic bags containing food

"Thank you, (Last name)!" They all thank you before grabbing the plastic bags

"I also have bananas," You show Raichi the bag containing a bunch of bananas

His eyes glimmered upon seeing the bag as a light blush creeps onto his cheeks

"Thank you, (Last name)-senpai." He says quietly making you pinch his cheeks

"You're so cute Raichi!" You gush and continue to pinch his cheeks

"Am I interrupting something?" Sanada asks as he walks over you and his junior

"Jealous?" You grin at him as he chuckles and places an arm around you

"Okay boys back at it!" Coach Todoroki exclaims after thirty minutes, sitting on the bench as you went to the sides to watch

"Who does she think she is walking up to the team like that?"

"Just because she managed to date Sanada, she's not even pretty!"

"He probably just felt bad, that's why he said yes to the confession,"

"Yeah," A group of girls were talking, not so secretly behind you, looking you up and down

You turn to look at them to see what they were doing, but they just continue to give you dirty looks

You turn back to the field, your sight getting blurry because of the tears, you sniff and wipe away the tears but they just continue falling

Sanada looks over to you, but the only thing he sees was coach laying on the bench

He frowns, wondering where you went, he wants to find you but the Fall tournament was just around the corner and he knew the team was his first priority

You sniff, looking at yourself in the mirror, not liking how messy you look

'Maybe Shunpei does only feel bad about me,' the thought makes your lips quiver as a new wave of tears came

You walk back to the field, your nose red because of all the sniffing you did in the bathroom

"You okay?" Coach Todoroki asks as you sniff but nod, nevertheless

"Don't mind them, kid. They just feel jealous," he tells you and turns back to watching the team train

You rub your eye, feeling reassured from what the coach said, and return to watching your boyfriend and his teammates' play

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