Masuko Tooru X Reader

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You clench your first as you look down your lap in an attempt to stop the tears from possibly falling

'Did it taste bad? Why isn't anybody eating?' You couldn't help but wonder as the box of cookies remain untouched by your table

You want to grow closer with your classmates, so you thought that baking cookies can be a way because there's no way something wrong would go with sweets right?

But you were wrong, nobody even bothered to grab any even though you went to their desks and offered it to them, they just glanced at it before going back to talk to their friends or play on their phone

"Is this free?" You hear someone ask, looking up, you see Masuko staring at the cookies, probably already devouring them

"This? Yes, it is!" You say a bit too enthusiastically that you had to recoil, but it seemed like he didn't notice since he just grabbed one before eating it

You watch him expectantly, worried that he might not like it and end up spitting it out

"How is it..."

"This is good!" He compliments you, "Can I have some more?" He asks you as your eyes light up

"Yes, please! You-you can have them if you'd like!" You push the box closer to him and watch as he devours one cookie after another

"Masuko...are you eating again?" Ryousuke asks as he approaches his friend who was busy munching on the sweets

"Hello." You greet timidly as he smiles at you in return

"We need to meet up with the other guys," Ryousuke says as Masuko looks at the remaining cookies sadly

"You can take it...and maybe share it with your friends?" You suggest and you swear his whole face lightens up

"Thank you." He bows before following Ryousuke out of the room

You smile to yourself, 'Someone actually enjoyed it!' You cheer inside your head as your good mood continues throughout the day

You hope you could talk to him again so you could thank him and even give him another box of dessert


I can't believe I didn't even notice Masuko didn't have any oneshots about him here, even though it's been 100+ chapters already 😭

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