Hongo Masamune X Reader

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Hello everyone~
Sorry I forgot to post yesterday! It completely slipped my mind
Anyways this was requested by tvwhoresblog I hope you enjoy it and thank you for requesting!!
Enjoy and stay safe~

Nobody ever saw it coming. Not his teammates, not your friends, not Hongo, not you

The two of you were too different. He's too hotheaded, you're calm. He isn't afraid to speak his mind (even though it can get him in trouble) while you prefer to avoid causing any sort of problem for the people around you

But just as the saying goes, opposites attract, and soon enough you found yourself in a relationship with the 'Hulk of the North'

In addition, contrary to the popular belief, Masamune isn't a distant boyfriend. Sure at the start he was cold and awkward but once he grew onto you, he became an attentive boyfriend who sometimes had the tendency to become overprotective, but that's because you're too nice that he doesn't want others to take you for granted (He also gets jealous whenever someone gets too close to you but you will never hear that from him)

"Masa!" You beam once he enters his room

"How long have you been here?" He asks you, placing down his bag on the side as you stand up from your (his) study chair and walk towards him to kiss his cheek as a sign of greeting

"For an hour, I decided to finish the project here." You smile and motion for the illustration board on his study desk along with markers and color pencils scattered

He walked closer to it and saw that it was that Science project your teacher gave the week before

"Isn't that by partners?" He frowns, he remembers that he and some other guy in the team had to do it together

"Well...my partner said he had something to do." You answer sheepishly, "But don't worry! They were the one who got the materials!" You add after seeing the change in Masamune's expression

"He still should've helped you." He crosses his arms with a sour look on his face

"I'll try to talk to him tomorrow, how about that?" You ask, moving closer to him and hugging his side, "So don't be angry, okay?" You ask him as you stare up at him

"I'm not mad." He scoffs causing you to giggle

"If you say so~"

Masamune looks down at you, ready to argue that he really isn't. But you were still looking up at him with that smile he can never seem to win against

"Make sure to make him do the same amount of work." He mutters, uncrossing his arms before wrapping one around your shoulders

You hum in response and before you knew it, the two of you were cuddling on his bed


"Why am I here?" Renji asks, following behind Masamune's partner for the project with some other seniors behind them

"You're the only one I know that could convince Hongo." Masamune's teammate says, looking at Renji pleadingly

"Alright." Renji sighs, although he knows for himself that calling for you would do this guy better

"What are they here for?" He couldn't help but ask before motioning for the other members with them

"Backup." The guy says as Renji nods, finally reaching Hongo's dorm

"Masamune?" He calls out after knocking, after waiting for a few minutes, Renji sighs and opens the door

"Masamune?" He calls out as his teammate follows behind him, looking around the room as if it was some kind of museum

"This is my first time going inside his room." He admits, "Oh look he's already started our project!" He points but Renji stops him from grabbing the illustration board

"That's not his." Renji says before motioning to the Masamune's bed. Where you and their ace was currently sleeping while holding each other

His teammates mouth formed an 'o', they never thought Masamune would be the type to enjoy physical contact...more or less cuddles

"We should go, it's still by next week right? I'll remind him later." Renji says, already knowing how bad Masamune's temper is when he's pulled away from you

Masamune's partner nods before following Renji out the room, even stealing one last look before finally closing the door and letting you and Masamune sleep in peace

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