Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader 1

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You want to shrink, just having to talk during group discussions was already enough to make your hands tremble, talking in front of the whole class makes not only your hands shake but also your knees wobble and your stomach drop, what more when you were supposed to talk in front of the whole school?

"It's just a small line, nothing to be worried about," You try calming yourself down before you can succumb to your nerves and just run away from the whole scene

"And our next representative (Last name) (First name)-san." Your class adviser calls for you up to the front

"Here it goes," You gulp before walking up the stairs


"Oh my god, I don't even wanna go to the cafeteria." You groan, face flat on your table as you mess up with your hair

It wasn't a total disaster, sure you stumbled with a few words, looked like a ripened tomato in front of the whole school, and was shaking like a scared dog but in the end, you managed to finish your speech

"But," You frown, sitting up as your stomach starts to grumble, "I'm really hungry!" You yell in frustration before making a decision to just get food and walk back silently to your classroom

"That didn't go as bad as I expected," You sigh in relief when you managed to get your tray of food, turning around you started making a beeline for the cafeteria doors

Just as you were about to leave, it opens and Carlos enters causing you to not only collide with him but also spill your food on his shirt

Your eyes widen in horror once you take in the whole thing, 'Shoot shoot shoot! I can feel the fangirls eyes planning on killing me right now!' You look around and just as you expect girls were glaring at you already

"Sorry, I didn't see you, you okay?" You return your attention to Carlos who asked you the question

"Huh? I'm fi-fine! How about you?" You panic and said the first thing you thought of

"This? This is nothing, I can just wash it—hey aren't you that cute girl who made a speech earlier?" He points out as you choke on your own saliva

"I'm the girl who made a speech, yeah." You answer weakly, feeling dead already from the intense glares you had on your back, "I'm so so so sorry! If you want I can wash your clothes for you?" You offer as he shakes his head

"Nah, I can handle this." He brushes it off, "Want me to get you a new meal?"

"No!" You wince when you hear the volume of your voice, "S-sorry But it's okay! I'll just get myself a new one."

"Come on! It's my fault anyway." Carlos grabs your hand before pulling you toward the line

"No, it's—!"


"Am I that much of a pushover?" You cry as you eat the meal he bought for you

"Tsk if I know any better she probably did that on purpose!" You hear someone whisper (not so quietly) at your side

You look at the direction of the voice and noticed two girls by the window whispering to each other

'Why would I try to get anybody's attention when I don't even want anybody's eyes on me?' You sweatdrop, making a decision just to ignore them

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