Kataoka Tesshin X Pregnant! Reader

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This was requested by Anrhie Garcia! Thank you for this cute request and I hope you like this one~

Sorry I ended up updating a day late!

Anyways, stay safe and enjoy!


"Is there anything wrong?" Kataoka asks Rei and the club president as he waits for the players to finish changing from their school uniforms to their Baseball ones 

"Uh..." Kazuyoshi exchange looks with Rei who sighs and pushes her glasses up

"There's someone here to see you." Rei clears her throat as Kataoka furrows his eyebrows


"Tesshin!" Often, he would brighten up whenever he heard your voice, it's a sound that always calms him down and comforts him, but that wasn't currently the case, because as much as he loves Baseball, he knows that it can be dangerous and although you insist that he's just overthinking things, he was always firm with it 

"(First name), what are you doing here?" He instantly goes towards you to assist you while walking, your baby bump has grown a considerable amount, and from how many times you cry because of your back pains, he knows it was difficult to move for you 

Which was also why he insisted that you just stay in bed, but of course, you didn't accept that

"I miss you! I want to see your face." You smile at him cutely, Kataoka feels his heart melt at your words. He really was down bad. If his students could see how he was acting with you, he was afraid of what comments they could possibly think of 

"I miss you too, but you know you shouldn't be here." He whispers in a hurry, already hearing the players' voices as they approach the field

"But I wanted to see you," Your bottom lip was already quivering, causing Kataoka's eyes to widen. Aside from the craving (Which has gotten him to wake up in the middle of the night multiple times), you were also experiencing mood swings, which also proves to be a challenge for him. But he makes sure to understand you, after all, you were carrying a literal human in your body

"Okay, I'm sorry. Don't cry." He whispers, wiping the tears at the corner of your eyes, "I missed you too, okay? I just don't want you to get hurt." He explains

"But I won't! I wanna stay here with you!" You glare at him, suddenly growing annoyed at how he was trying to make you go home even if you didn't want to

Kataoka stares at you for a few seconds, the familiar stubborn look on your face present

"Okay, you can stay. But make sure you stay with Rei or Kazuyoshi." He reminds you 

"Can't I stay with you?"

"No, you know I won't allow you in the field where-"

"There are random balls flying around." You finish together

"I get it, fine." You pout, looking at Kataoka, "Can I see your face before then?" You ask hopefully 

"(First name)-"

"Can't I even see my husband's face now?!" You cross your arms over your chest as Kataoka once again sighs. He loses...not like he won that many arguments against you though 

"Alright," He sighs, the background noise was gone and he had a feeling the others were watching him 

He then lifts his glasses and behind him, there were a bunch of dramatic gasps, he has a feeling he knows who it was but he was going to deal with them later

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