Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader

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You always trust your friends. How can you not? You hang out with them on the weekends, talk to each other for so many hours, tell each other your secrets and even made promises to always have each other's back

But turns out they were just going to stab yours

"Isn't she too clingy? Like girl get a life!" (Friend's name 1) laughs as you bite your lip in attempt of calming yourself down

"And her food! She keeps on giving us this cookies she makes but they don't even taste good!"

"I agree with you! I have to make sure I have water with me every time she approaches us with her food!"

"Not to mention, doesn't she sound like a total creep whenever she talks about boys? Is she that thirsty?"

"That's so true! Sometimes I worry she might steal my boyfriend!"

"And the way she always talks about her family! My gosh, she's so babied it's embarrassing!"

"I know right! I would be embarrassed if I was caught by people my age!"

You open the door that led to the rooftop as they all stop laughing once they see you entering the space

"(First name) what are you doing here?" (Friend's name 2) stutters before laughing, "Jeez you surprised me! I thought you said you had something to do with your parents?" She asks, walking towards you before wrapping her arms around yours

You pulled your arms off you and glared at her as she gulped

"He-hey, why do you look so angry? Did something happen?" (Friend's name 3) asks as he laughs nervously

"Why do you look so angry, did something happen?" You mock him before laughing sarcastically, "You people are so pathetic it just makes me doubt my taste in people." You huff before turning to (Friend's name 1)

"Clingy? Bitch you should be thankful someone actually bothers to get close to you," You roll your eyes before turning your eyes back to (Friend's name 2)

"I'm sorry if you don't enjoy my food, but maybe you shouldn't say that after stuffing your face with every pastry I gave you earlier, you didn't even have a water break."

Your eyes move to (Friend's name 4) and showed her a fake smile, "I'm not thirsty in guys, at least not as thirsty as your boyfriend is who can't stop chatting other girls online, even if he already has a girlfriend."

"You!" She yells, ready to pull your hair if it wasn't because of your glare that stopped her

Finally you turned to (Friend's name 3), "I'm sorry if you don't enjoy the food I make, but I don't think you should say that after stuffing your face with the pastry I made earlier." You cross your arms, giving them all one last look before turning around to leave the rooftop

You sniffed, wiping away the stray tears that fell from your eyes, not wanting to cry because of them

But that's impossible, how can you keep calm if you find out your friends weren't who you thought they were?

You continue to walk, getting stares from some people when they saw your disheveled appearance

"How am I going to explain it to my parents when I get home?" You groan, pulling your hair in frustration at the thought of having to tell your parents just how amazing your friends are

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