Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader

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This was requested by ayevuhh, thank you so much for sending a request and sorry if you had to wait!
Anyways, enjoy reading and stay safe!!

Love has never interested Shirakawa. As far as he was concerned, he had a lot of other things on his mind such as school, baseball and getting drafted. He needs to work hard in playing to get in a good team so love life is the least of his priorities

"Oh sorry." Someone bumps into him causing him to wake up from his trance and look down to see the things he bought on the ground

"I didn't mean too! I'm sorry!" You apologize profusely as you pick them up

"It's nothing." He says, trying to mask the annoyance in his voice with a sigh as he also kneels down to help you in picking them up

"Good thing the floor is clean," You try starting a conversation as he stares at you before looking away

"Yeah," His reply was short, not even bothering to add anything before he moves to the counter to pay for everything he was carrying

Shirakawa decided to forget about the incident. After all, what was the point of dwelling when you were most likely never going to meet again

Or so he thought

He walks in the familiar cafe he and Carlos often goes to when they want to study or just take a break from their chaos of a team, the interior was normal and so was the smell of pastries but what surprised him was the new face on the counter

"Good afternoon may I take—Hey you're the guy in the grocery!" You exclaim in surprise upon seeing Shirakawa

"Can you keep your voice down?" Shirakawa asks, trying to mask his annoyance at the volume of your voice, is that how a part-time worker should be acting?

"Sorry, I was just surprise." You cough before your polite smile returns on your face, "Good afternoon sir, may I take your order?" You ask as Shirakawa orders his usual menu

"Thank you, we will bring your food to your table shortly." You smile as he nods, not even saying a word before walking to the nearby table, enjoying the peace as much as he can while he waits for the food to arrive

"Here it is!" You announce and place down the tray, "If you have any other order then please proceed to the counter." You repeat the same line your friend told you earlier before going back to the counter

Shirakawa gets ready to eat, only stopping when he notices the slice of cake that he didn't order. Under the plate, he saw there was a note

'This is the new cake on the menu, it's for free. Take it as a way of saying sorry for the other day :>'

Shirakawa looks over the counter but you were already talking to the customer in front of you

He sighs, he guesses saying his thanks wouldn't be too bad


"Oh, do you need anything?" You ask when he returns to the counter

"No, it's just, thanks for the cake earlier," He says calmly

"It's nothing! Make sure to come back if you want it again!" You smile as he returns one himself before coughing and walking to the door

"That's the last time. That's really the last time I'll see her." He tells himself as he walks back to Inashiro


"Then buy it yourself." He grumbles But follows Carlos to the cafe

"You say that but you're still following me." Carlos comments, "Why interested in someone?" Carlos laughs to himself, knowing that there was almost nobody that can interest Shirakawa

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