Kuramochi Youichi X Reader

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Heya ho! How's everybody?

This was requested by @Tajusia830 sorry if it took months to finish
It's a bit longer than I expected but I guess that's fine since it took so long

Anyway, everyone please stay safe and healthy! Specially when Corona Virus is still spreading around. There has been deaths and everyday many people ends up catching it so please remain safe and stay at home as much as you can.

That's all, thank you and enjoy~

You wince in pain as your back hits the locker, "Had enough?" (Girl's name) sneers as she stares at your panting figure, "Next time, try and pulling something like what you did again and it will be much worse." She whispers in our ear as the others laugh

"You don't scare me." You find yourself answering, was it smart? No. You knew that already and you had a feeling they were ready to knock you out unconscious but still, that didn't make you feel prouder of yourself with the fact that you answered back to your bullies,

Suddenly someone grabs your arm and hauls you up, making you wince in pain at their grip, "well you should." The girl hisses, "I can do so much worse than this, (Last name)." She threatens but you stand your ground

"I'd like to see you try." You continue to argue back, she was about to slap you when they heard voices coming near

"Next time, I'll make sure you regret answering back." She says icily as all of them run off

When they left, you wipe the blood from the cuts you ended up receiving and wince as you saw the forming bruise on your arm, how were you going to explain this again?

"Ah they're so troublesome." You mumble, standing up properly, fixing yourself the best you could and walking out, going straight to the convenience store to buy medications


"Hey!" You grumble and move away from Kuramochi who messes up with your hair

"You're so small (First name)," He chuckles, looking down at you, noticing that you were wearing makeup

"Are you trying to impress anybody?" He asks, catching Miyuki's attention who also looks at you

"Who's the unlucky guy (First name)?" Miyuki joins Kuramochi who was snickering at the thought

"Oh shut it both of you." You flick their forehead and Kuramochi takes notice of the bruise on your arm

"Hey what's that?" Kuramochi's face suddenly turns serious as he points at the bruise on your arm

'Ah crap, it must have wore off...can makeup even wear off?' You ask yourself while Kuramochi waits for your response

"I-it's just a little....accident." You trail off, looking at him in the eye, hoping that he lest the matter go

"That doesn't seem little." Kuramochi continues to ask, "Did someo—"

"Back to your seats everyone!" (Teacher's name)-sensei says infront, you sigh in relief, for once thankful that class was starting

"Well I should get going, I'll talk to you—ow!" You hiss in pain when someone accidentally hits your back

"(Last name), are you sure—"

"It's nothing, just surprised." You say, and continue to walk to your seat

That afternoon, Kuramochi wasn't as enthusiastic as he was during training, he was worried that's for sure, with the way you were acting the whole day it seemed to him as if you were hurt

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