Miyuki Kazuya X Reader X Narumiya Mei

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Hi everyone~

This was requested by @Thisissostupid453289 and I might have changed some things in the original request, instead of making the reader and Narumiya an official couple, it's more unofficial ig? I hope that's alright!

Stay safe and enjoy~


"Narumiya I'm not interested," You groan, pulling your arm away from Narumiya

"But it's more fun if you're there!"

"It's not fun for me!" You glare at him and look behind to see his teammates, "Care to help?"

"Nah, this is between you couples." Carlos shakes his head and smiles at the two of you, "Why don't you just agree?"

"Cause," You start, already feeling exasperated, "I have plans already!"

"Oh, you do? Can I come?" Narumiya looks at you excitedly

"No, Narumiya." You sigh, "Now can we please stop? Everybody's staring at us,"


"So basically that's what happened," You groan, finishing retelling the story to your boyfriend, "You won't even believe the comments from everybody! They think me and Narumiya are dating? Did you hear that Kazu? They said me and Narumiya are meant to be!" You whine at your boyfriend

Miyuki laughs from your other side, "That would have been a sight to see." He snickers as you glare at him

"Can't you be more serious about this?" You pout, "You know that's not the only thing they say! They keep on calling me a bitch and other freaking names 'cause they keep on believing I'm into him!"

Miyuki stops laughing and turns serious, he knew bullying isn't a laughing manner, especially if his girlfriend was the one receiving it

"Do you want me to talk to Mei?" He asks while you shake your head

"No...who knows how that guy would react to this," You motion for the two of you, "I don't even know where the idea of us going out came from," You sigh, "Cause I'm the daughter of their coach and he's the ace? What kind of shoujo manga is this?" You huff

'Well I can't say our situation right now isn't book material,' You wince. You, the daughter of coach Kunimoto, are dating Miyuki Kazuya, The captain of Seido which is Inashiro's rival team, and Narumiya, who is Inashiro's ace, is interested in you

If this was some kind of classical book, your father would have approved of Narumiya and forced you and Miyuki apart and by the climax, Miyuki and Narumiya would have dueled to see who was fit for you

You grimace as you imagined them fighting through baseball, god you hope that never happens

You feel someone pat your head, you look across at Miyuki who chuckles, "You look really deep in thought, don't bother tiring yourself over this matter," He says

"But we're the people in trouble in this matter," You point out

"Hey, if anything happens I got your back alright?" He says reassuringly, "So don't tire that pretty little head of yours, alright~" He grins

"Since when did you become so good at comforting and flirting? The first time I met you you were a ball of both asshole and awkwardness," You tease him

"I learned my ways upon getting in a relationship with someone who's both a worrywart and dense," He replies

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