Tadano Itsuki X Reader

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Hello everyone!

I hope you're having/had/will have a good day!
This was requested by @NintendoOtaku hope you enjoy it~

Ooh but you know, Narumiya would definitely be this type of friend 😂

Anyways, stay safe and enjoy~

"Good job boys!" You compliment them after they won the game, "This is definitely a step up from the Fall Tournament."

"Are you complimenting us or reminding us of our past mistakes?" Carlos asks, accepting the bottle of water you were offering for them

"Hey, I'm genuine!" You say, acting offended by their assumptions, "I'm just saying, the team really came back stronger after our defeat," You say sincerely before moving around the room to hand them water, towels, and ice packs

"Itsuki, I'm happy that you're finally getting used to him." You smile at Itsuki and point at Narumiya, "He's stubborn, a bit too childish, and can be somewhat of a headache but I'm glad that you're starting to get along with him." You praise him before patting his hair softly, ignoring Narumiya who was complaining about you teasing him again

"Tha-thank you senpai..." Itsuki stammers before avoiding your eyes, "Thank you for helping me last night with the puns."

You laugh, "It's nothing, if it helps the team then I don't mind doing it." You reassure him before moving on to the other guys

Itsuki finally raises his head and watches you ask the players if there were anything they need and helping the younger managers when they approach you about what they should do next

Itsuki couldn't help but smile, he still remembers his first year and how you were one of the older members of the team that immediately held out a hand to help him and the other first years when they were first struggling with getting used to Inashiro

You were just a manager and not even a player but you were just as vital to the team just as the players. You support the team, and help them out every day, whether it's with the play, equipment, food, injuries, or studies, everybody knew they can approach you and that you will always be open to help them out

Which is why he respects you, it isn't easy to do any of those things yet you made it look so simple

"You're staring too much." Narumiya suddenly whispers, laughing when Itsuki suddenly jumped back in surprise

"Mei-san, please don't do that." He says to his partner who only snickers

"What's so funny?" Itsuki wonders, already getting worried by the expression Narumiya has on his face. It was that look that he already gotten accustomed to; A look that meant nothing good will happen

"You like (First name)~" Narumiya says, leaning close as if he was sharing a big secret

Well he was

Itsuki's eyes widen before trying to deny Narumiya's accusation but Narumiya merely grins at him, enjoying the panic Itsuki was obviously feeling

"Don't worry, I won't say anything!" He reassures Itsuki who stares at him with doubt

"Here, I promise I won't say anything." He suddenly turns serious before holding out a hand for a handshake

Itsuki contemplates for a minute, should he trust Narumiya? He isn't sure but seeing how serious their ace suddenly became then perhaps he can

"Thank you, Mei-san." He sighs in relief

"So I'm right?"

Itsuki looks around before nodding shyly, ears suddenly turning pink at the confession

"I knew it!" Narumiya suddenly grins before running toward you

"(FIRST NAME) GUES WHAT!!" He yells as Itsuki runs after him

"Narumiya I'm doing something." You sigh, trying to move his hands away from your shoulder but he doesn't even budge and instead looks behind you to see Itsuki having a different expression on his face

...Was that jealousy?

He grins before pulling you into a hug, "(First name), you're such a good manager!"

"What the hell are you doing?" You ask in surprise

"You're so warm! I can hug you forever!" Narumiya wants to laugh so badly at the expression Itsuki has on his face, his catcher was obviously growing jealous

"Narumiya, ace or not, I'll hit you with these water bottles if you don't let me go." You threaten him as he moves away upon hearing your words

"Why did you even suddenly shout my name." You sigh, starting to get weirded out by how Narumiya was acting

"I wanted to say something that Itsuki said!" He says loudly, obviously wanting to let Itsuki, who was still staring, hear

Itsuki's eyes widen before he ran towards Narumiya, trying to cover his mouth

"Itsuki says he likes—"He trails off, running away from Itsuki while laughing at the nervousness on Itsuki's face

"—The food you make!" He finishes, laughing at Itsuki who finally got to him

"Oh is that so?" You ask, obviously pleased by the news, "I'll be sure to keep up my good work then." You smile cutely at Itsuki who just blushes harder

"Uwa you're so red." Narumiya teases Itsuki

"It's because I ran!" Itsuki tries to defend himself but even the excuse sounded stupid in his ears, he's a baseball player! Running's basically part of his everyday regime

"Don't worry, (First name) still doesn't get it." Narumiya snickers before walking toward Carlos and Shirakawa who had those knowing looks on their faces

Itsuki's face turns redder as he looks around, noticing everyone's same knowing looks and smiles that were directed at him

He isn't sure when he can confess to you, but if there's anything he knows is that he won't be having a peaceful year

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