Yuki Masashi X Reader

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Hello everyone!
This was requested by odelle5384! Hope you enjoy it~
I love the Yuki brothers, I haven't caught up with the manga but from what I watched in the anime, I already enjoy seeing Masashi!
Stay safe and enjoy everyone!!

You and Masashi has been seating together for months

The seats didn't have much distance on them so you could always hear his stomach growling. At first you thought the only reason that happens is because his body's still adjusting to the training regime of the baseball team

But it continued to happen again

And again

And again

It's been almost 2 months since you two sat beside each other and it always growls randomly

"I did this suddenly, will he find it offending?" You ask yourself as you look at the container full of pastries you made the night before, you were just supposed to make some for yourself but since you remember Yuki...you ended up making some for him as well

"Hey, you're stomach growls really loud, want to eat?" You practice

"That sounds too...mean..." You answer yourself before trying another dialogue

"Hey, want a bread?"

"Too friendly." You sigh

"Hello! I always hear your stomach so I made you bread!" You tried to smile but then dropped it

"That sounds as if I'm cooking for him cause I'm interested in him." You grumble

"Hi! I haven't talked to you that much but I always hear your stomach growling so I was wondering if you're hungry?"


Somebody clears their throat behind you that causes you to turn around to see Yui smiling at you awkwardly as some of your classmates stare at you in wonder, some even whispering to their friends

"Is everything okay, (Last name)-san?" Yui asks, looking worried

"Yep, everything's fantastic," You say cooly, trying to hide your embarrassment even though you could feel your cheeks heating up

"That's good to hear then." He smiles, still reluctant, before sitting on his seat in front of Masashi

Masashi takes a seat before looking in front again, face remaining stoic as he stares at the blackboard

You bite your lip as you run every possible outcome inside your head

"None of it will come true if I don't do this now." You sigh before turning to Masashi before tapping his shoulder

"Hey Yuki-kun." You call out quietly as he turns to look at you

'Remember your script (First name)'

"Is there a problem?"

"Um, you see I notice that you always end up getting hungry in the middle of the day so I..um..made this." You push the container forward, "I um...made them last night," You add nervously as he looks at it curiously before looking back at you

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