Kataoka Tesshin X Reader

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This was requested y penpunyakucingwoi! Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!

I actually noticed, but there are actually a lot of Kataoka requests, the one last week, then this one, then the oneshot next next week is also about Kataoka

Well, that's all, enjoy and stay safe~


Kataoka wakes up with your arms around his waist, basically stopping him from getting up from your bed 

He sighs, this was the hard part of the morning, even if he wants to spend a little more time on the warm bed, he can't. He has to go to school early in the morning

"Ugh, Tesshin, stay." You groan when he tries to remove your hand from his waist

"We need to get up." He reminds you as you groan, ignoring him and trying to continue your sleep. This was the reason why you don't even have an alarm clock anymore, Kataoka was the one who always wakes you up

"Come on, we'll be late." He grunts, trying to get up but you merely open one of your eyes to look at him 

"Carry me to the bathroom?" You ask sleepily as Kataoka sighs, it was going to be the usual long morning then 


"Ooh, what are you cooking?" You ask him after stepping out of the bathroom, out of goodwill, Kataoka decided to take a bath first before waking you up so you can take a bath, and while you shower, he was going to cook breakfast for the two of you 

"Just eggs and bacon," He answers, focusing on the pan so your breakfast wouldn't end up getting burnt

"Mhm, thanks for waking me up," You hum, hugging him lazily from behind

Kataoka smiles, but then he feels your hand on his stomach, basically touching his abs

"You sure you don't want to go under the shirt?" He asks sarcastically, slightly turning his head so he can look up at you, who was just staring back at him innocently, your chin resting on his back

"I just want all the hugs I want from my husband before I go to hell called adult life, can't I even get that?" You ask back, still feeling him up

"(First name)," He warns

"It's not my fault if you keep on thinking about something dirty." You defend yourself, but nonetheless, you let him go and went to make your usual morning drinks

"Coffee as bitter as you?" You ask teasingly as Kataoka rolls his eyes, but the smile on his face was enough to let you know he wasn't annoyed 

"Yeah, whatever." He answers before he starts to put the eggs and bacon on another plate before placing them on the dining table 

Once you finish making his coffee and your drink, you sit in front of him and both of you start eating


"Are you sure we can't stay at home?" You ask one last time before you enter the car

"Come on," He opens the car door for you as you pout at him

"Only because we have bills to pay." You groan before kissing his cheek, "Also, for our future family." You smile cutely before entering the car

Kataoka chuckles and closes the car door before he goes to the driver's side and enters so he can drive the both of you to work 

While on the drive, you connect your phone to the car speaker and sing along to the songs, Kataoka was already used to it so he was driving in peace

"We're here," Kataoka announces, stopping the car in front of your building 

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