Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader

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Hey guys! I know I just updated yesterday but I just got the idea for this oneshot... well how to end it anyway, this oneshot has been on my drafts for almost a month and I just finished it today... I'm pretty sure Kamiya's a bit OOC and I'm really sorry about that, also I don't know where I got the idea but it just popped up into my mind so I decided to write it

But please enjoy!

Oh yeah oh yeah, Sawamura's time to shine is coming soon aND I AM READY FOR IT! go bby! Strike out those batters!

Okay, I'll let you guys read now

You stifle a yawn as you place the manga you were reading on the table before closing your eyes, wanting very badly to sleep

"Heya (First name)," Carlos greets you making your eyes shot open and look around the room to see people glaring

'Why me?' You sigh, you were always hidden, the quiet and unnoticed girl in class who likes animes and such.... used to be unnoticed because since the last week, you seemed to catch Carlos' attention and since then he's been flirting with you

"Kamiya, please leave," You mutter feeling uncomfortable with all the stares you've been receiving

Carlos noticed this and frowns, but he noticed the manga and picked it up

"I never knew you liked reading mangas," he muses out, but you just shrug

"Seems like you don't know much about me," You point out as he thinks about it for a moment and nods

"Then I should get to know you better," He smiles at you causing your cheeks to turn red

"Stop it with those," You mumble

This went for a solid month, he would flirt with you, give you his attention and compliment you, and as much as you didn't want to admit it, you fell for him

But that was over, it was Monday, you were sitting quietly on your desk, waiting for him to talk to you but as he walked by, he didn't even give you one glance

You frown, eyes following his back, feeling your heart sink

'Maybe I should confess?' You ask yourself when you were taking a bath at the evening, 'I don't have anything to lose,'

'But what if he doesn't feel the same way?'

This thoughts kept you awake all night for a week, you didn't like what happened, he ignores you and you tried to talk to him but since he was always surrounded by people and because of your shyness, you just gave up the thought

"Come on (First name)," (Best friend's name) groans following you around school, "Just come with me!" She says, running in front of you, "Just give it a thought!" She reasons

"Hmmm," You pretended to think, "a house with deafening music, smelly teenagers, too many people, requires socializing, and most likely booze, no thanks." You deny but (Best friend's name) keeps on following you

"Come on," She pleads but you shake your head, you really didn't want to

"I just don't feel like going out, (Best friend's name)" You say tiredly as you caught a glimpse of Carlos

(Best friend's name) notices your expression and hugs you

"Alright, I know your tired and thinking of some things," She sighs, and you were thankful that she was understanding

"I'll see you this Monday then," She smiles as you nod, saying your goodbyes

You went home, changed into more comfortable clothes and jumped onto your bed, feeling tired of the week

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