Narumiya Mei X Sawamura's Twin! Reader

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This was the first request sent, and it was requested by xandrakatrina, thank you for requesting! I hope you like this!
Enjoy and stay safe!!

"What are you staring at?" Masa asks Narumiya, staring at their ace who shockingly looks interested

"Did you see this video? Look look!" Narumiya pushes the phone to Masa just to see a picture of the third years with a girl smiling widely at the camera while the others around her look like a bunch of bodyguards

"You follow people from Seidou?" Masa asks, ignoring the photo and the people in them. Big deal that Yuki and the others were with a girl. It was just probably one of their managers

"Yeah! They don't post often though." Narumiya comments

"And what makes this picture special?" Masa asks the second year who continues to stare at the photo

"The girl's cute! Why didn't she just come to Inashiro! We're stronger than them, aren't we?!" Narumiya whines as Masatoshi sighs, ignoring his partner's cries and leaving the room. It was one of their rare day-offs and he didn't want to spend it with his main cause of headache

Once the third-year catcher leaves, Narumiya continues to stare at the photo. The girl was just too cute! He wanted to meet her!

Then an idea popped into his brain and soon enough he was running after his dear Masa-san


"Stop that, we're not here for you to flirt." Masatoshi sighs as he stares at Narumiya who continues to look around Seidou's training space

"I came here to flirt and win!" Narumiya announces, still looking around. But to his disappointment, he couldn't see the same girl in the picture

"It's not like you to get a crush just from someone you saw in a picture." Masatoshi comments. That wasn't true, sometimes Narumiya does get interested in pretty people he sees online but once he talks to them, he quickly loses interest

"She's cute! I just wanna talk to her!" Narumiya grins

"Well, forget about that for now. Our game's coming up." Masatoshi reminds him

"Not like I'm going to lose," Narumiya says confidently but follows once he spots the coach who has a scary look on his face


"Did you actually say that to him?" You ask your brother as you two walk, he was currently telling you about his encounter with the Inashiro team

"I did!" He announces proudly while the others walk behind you

"You're really an idiot." Kuramochi shakes his head at Sawamura who ignores him and continues to tell you about the events earlier

"So you definitely have to get in the first string so we can play against him together!" Sawamura shouts

"Yeah yeah, I'll definitely get in so calm your horses." You calm your brother down, you were still in the second string, but the other third years were helping you train so you were feeling a bit more confident that you'll be able to reach the first string in a few more months 

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