Hongo Masamune X Reader

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This was requested by @AnimeMangaAddicted I hope you like it and sorry if it's a bit long, I wasn't expecting to reach 5.8 k words for this oneshot 😓

On the other note, Renji's a supportive friend in this, I'll place him 1st as the greatest wingman but that's Kuramochi so 2nd I guess?

*edit- I haven't been caught up with the manga so I'm not sure if Masamune's a genius or something but he gives me the same vibe as Sawamura and Furuya (the type to only have baseball on their mind)

Anyways have fun reading and stay safe!


You've never got along with Masamune, even when you were in middle school you two tend to clash against each other. He was too much of a hothead, too self-centered, and too rude, while Masamune...he didn't like many people to begin with. The only person you could remember that could get to him was Renji 

"Jeez can't you just calm down?" You scowl, feeling annoyed as he tries to move his arms away from you while you attempt to ice it

"I can do it myself," He scowls while you rol your eyes

"And I'm doing my job as the team manager, so stop moving you, stupid angsty kid!"

"Who you calling a kid?"

"That's enough the two of you," Renji sighs, once again coming just in time to stop you two from having another full-on fight

"He started it," You mumble, completely ignoring Masamune's glare at you

"What are you kids?" Renji sighs, watching you and Masamune exchange deathly glares

"I'm done!" You announce, "See that wasn't so bad was it?" You mock him while Masamune merely rolls his eyes at you


"Once again, luck has proven me times and times again that it will never do anything else other than giving me bad luck." You say lifelessly as you watch Masamune enter the classroom

It was a little after Spring Tournament and now, in the early days of April, your second year of high school starts

Masamune stops for a moment and looks at you, his indifferent face annoying you more than it should

"What?" You scowl

"You stared first," He rolls his eyes before turning around to avoid having to look at you

"Seriously, why?" You groan, you didn't know why you were overreacting but you had a feeling that things wouldn't end well with you and Masamune in the same class, thankfully enough the two of you were in two separate seats

"What are you doing there!" You yell out when he stops in front of your desk

"I want this seat." He grumbles, motioning that it was beside the window and almost at the back

"Find somewhere else," You grumble

"I don't want to."

"Well, I do!"

"Then you move."

"No! I was here first!" You yell as someone from the team yells for someone to call Renji


"So you two caused a ruckus, on the first day of school and because of seats?" Your teacher rubs his temple, "Aren't you two too old to fight for something so trivial?"

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