Sawamura Eijun X Sibling! Reader

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Hey guys! How are you?

Okay okay, I'lol start by greeting the energetic —future— ace a big happy birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAWAMURA!!!

This oneshot was requested! It's about Sawamura and her older sister which was requested by @Purple_DeathDragon! Thank you so much for requesting and continuing to support this oneshot book! Thank you! I hope you enjoy this oneshot! This was really fun to write! Again thank you!

Requests are open, if you have any please comment or message me with a bit of description on how you want it to be and please add if it's in act 1 or act 2 (cause I'll be honest I'll probably do act one cause I can't let go of the third years)

That's all thank you so much! I'll let you read! Enjoy~!


"Eh? So this is the famous Seido," You muse as you watch the game unfold

"Now...where is Eijun," you mumble, looking around the field, trying to spot your brother

"YOSHA!" You hear him shout making your head snap towards the direction of his voice

"THAT'S MY LITTLE BROTHER!" You grin happily as you watch him pitch toward the catcher

'Eh? That catcher must be something... being able to catch Eijun's pitch without a problem!' You think, 'Ei-chan, you're with very reliable people!'

You grab your phone out of your pocket to take a picture of your brother, planning on sending it to your parents in the evening

"Did that woman just take a picture of Sawamura-kun?" Haruno asks her fellow managers, who turns to look at you

"What's that thing on her back?"

"Maybe she's a player!"

"But isn't that a thing for tennis?"

"Maybe she's a scout from a college!" The managers guess among themselves while you continue watching the game

Sawamura was in his room when his phone buzzed, making him shuffle to grab it

A smile suddenly takes over Sawamura's face as he stares at the message

To: Eijun
Front: Aneki

Subject: Congrats

Amazing, Ei-chan! You really looked cool at your game!
*attached picture*

Oh yeah, I might have a day off this weekend from club, can I visit you???

Sawamura cheers, he hasn't seen you for a few weeks, even if he doesn't want to admit it, he has always been close with you, seeing how you always stood up for him and motivated him

To: Aneki
From: Eijun

Subject: A visit?

You watched the game? WAHAHA How are you aneki? Will you visit me? Will you? You'll come visit me right?!
Aneki I got into the first string! Though at first, I wanted to drop out of it, but my seniors and friends helped me!

You giggle as you read the message, feeling proud at how far your brother has gone

"Ow!" You exclaim when something hit your head

"Hiro-chan What was that for?!" You exclaim rubbing your head

"Quit yammering and go to sleep!"

"Okay, okay." You sweatdrop before replying to Sawamura

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