Kataoka Tesshin X Reader

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Hello everyone!

This was requested by allise15! I hope you like it! Also, you mentioned that you were fine with anything so I went with this, I hope it's okay

This oneshot also reached 7k words, honestly, I was expecting it to reach a higher word count because of how the story plays out, but 7k is already a lot so this is a bit long. There are also a lot of time skips (The ----- indicates it). Also, I think I could have added a few more on the last few scenes, I was really happy when I finished it though, just thought of some things after rereading the whole thing. But still, I'm kinda glad on how this oneshot turned out 

Anway, this author's note has gotten too long, have fun reading it, and stay safe!


"You look like you've gone from hell and back." You comment, sitting beside Kataoka who was staring into space with a towel on his head, he still reeks of sweat, and his clothes were still filled with dirt 

Well, you really couldn't blame him for looking so devastated, it was his first game as the ace and he didn't do well as he expected 

"What are you doing here?" He gives you one look before looking back down his lap

"You weren't with the rest of the team, so I came to get you." You shrug, removing your eyes from the wall to look at Kataoka

"Don't bother saying 'Nice game' or anything like that, I know I was shit there." He stops you before you can even say anything

"I wasn't." You defend yourself, "You really shouldn't cut someone off when they're going to talk, that's really rude, you know." You say lightheartedly as Kataoks glares at you 

"You're not helping."

"I didn't come here to help, I came here to tell you that we're leaving in a few minutes." You say, before standing up and dusting off the dirt that got on your pants

"Also," You add as you were about to leave, "If you feel really bad about your performance today, then make sure you do well tomorrow. How are we going to last in this competition if our ace can't pick himself up." You smile to yourself before leaving Kataoka who still stares after you 

Slowly, a smile also forms on his lips. You two didn't always get along, but despite your differences, you always manage to find him when he's in a tough place. In his few months in Seidou, you were undeniably one of his close friends, although he would never admit it out loud


"Nice game, I'm pretty sure I have the right to say that now, don't I?" You whisper to him as you were icing his shoulder  

"Yeah, thanks." Kataoka couldn't help but smile, but he tries to hide it by drinking water from the nearby cup

"You're really not good with expressing your emotions, Kataoka." You chuckle once you notice what he was doing

The comment caused Kataoka to choke on his drink as a blush makes its way to his cheeks

"Don't worry, I think it's cute." You wink at him playfully as he remains frozen on his seat, were you flirting with him? Sometimes your playful attitude really makes him confused


Your attitude remains the same for another few months. Kataoka would be lying if he says he didn't like it, but at the same time, he doesn't like that he can't figure out if you're actually into him or just being playful. He hopes its the latter though 

"I don't think it's working," He hears you whisper when he was looking for you

"...I do think he's just dense, but still! It's been months, he should have figured it out by now." You frantically whisper to the other person on the line 

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