Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader

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Hey hey hey!

So this idea.... I'm not going to say randomly came up to me cause I've been thinking about Chris being a dad and just really, I think he'd be a good father

And sorry if it is a bit long, even though some of my one shots are longer but I just can't help myself, it was just suppose to be the morning scene but another scene came up and another and I'm really sorry.... I just really really love Chris and always wanted to do this

Oh and before the one shot, this is set when you both graduated college and settled with jobs and such

That's all thank you! Enjoy~

"Good morning, mama!" Your four-year-old son greets you as soon as you open your eyes

"Mhmm, morning," you greet him, giving him a lazy smile, "Where's papa?" You ask him, sitting up

"There there!" He points at the door and there you saw your husband, Chris holding a tray of what seemed like pancakes

Chris places the tray on the bedside table and kisses your forehead, "No morning sickness?" He asks you, rubbing your stomach softly

"None.....yet." You reply, while he nods and places the food in front of you

"Aren't you two going to eat?" You ask the both of them who both shakes their heads

"Baby and mama need foods!" (Son's name) exclaims but opposing his words, his stomach starts to grumble

"And you too," You bop his nose, cutting a piece of pancake, you then feed it to (Son's name) who instantly smiles

"Delicious~" He hums making you chuckle and turn to Chris

"Papa, eat too!" (Son's name) exclaims suddenly making Chris sigh at the child's enthusiasm

"Didn't we talk that this was for your mama?" He teases the young boy who pouts

"But papa~" He whines, placing the fork with pancake in front of Chris, "Here comes the airplane~" He giggles as Chris sighs but opens his mouth nonetheless

"Can we go out? Can we? can we?" (Son's name) asks, giving you and Chris his infamous puppy eyes

"Alright, we can." Chris finally gives in, not able to handle it any longer

"At times I wonder if letting Sawamura babysit him is a good thing," He says to you as (Son's name) runs towards his room to change

"Well....he does seem to have fun," You chuckle, "Speaking of, don't you have training today?" You ask him who shakes his head

"Coach gave us a day off," He explains while you nod, "That explains why you're still here and the breakfast." You say, motioning to the now empty plate of pancakes

"Thanks by the way," You nuzzle into him, kissing his jaw, making Chris smile at your actions

"It's nothing," He hums, leaning down to kiss you on your lips

"Mama papa let's go!" (Son's name) exclaims, slamming the door open as he enters

"Definitely Sawamura." Chris mutters while you giggle and peck his lips one last time, "I'm taking a bath," You announce, standing up and waddling towards the bathroom

"Wait, mama!" (Son's name) stops you, making you look down at him curiously, as he walks toward you

"Morning, baby-chan!" He giggles and kisses your baby bump making you awe at his cuteness


"Papa papa I want that!"

"And that!"

"That too!" (Son's name) exclaims, pointing at each item that catches his interest as the three of you walk around the nearby mall

"Mamaa ?" He asks you, once again using his puppy eyes to get you

"If we buy it, then you won't be able to buy other toys," You remind him as he starts to think about it

 "fine.... I'll look at others," He finally decides with a pout, while you three continue to walk

"Papa! Papa! I know!" He exclaims excitedly, running inside a sports store

Your eyes widen as you turn to Chris who instantly runs after (Son's name) while you attempt to keep up with their pace

"Mama! Papa's going to teach me...." He trails off, looking at Chris for help

"Baseball," Chris says from behind him, holding a metal bat, gloves and baseball

"Don't we have all of that at home?"

"That's papa's! This is mine!" (Son's name) exclaims, pulling the two of you out


You sit on a bench and watch Chris and (Son's name) play catch, smiling as (Son's name) laughs merrily

"Here I go!" (Son's name) exclaims, throwing the ball at Chris who catches it perfectly

"That's a good throw," He says to (Son's name) who smiles brightly upon hearing the praise

An ice cream truck catches your eye, you look at the two boys playing and walked towards the truck

"Two chocolate ice cream and one (Favorite flavor) ice cream please," You order, after paying you walked back to the two

"Ice cream!" (Son's name) yells, immediately running towards you at full speed

"Here you go," You hand him his ice cream, and Chris when he reaches you

"How is he?" You ask him, stuffing your mouth with ice cream

"He's good...Do you want more?" Chris asks you as you shake your head

"But if you want, you can cook breakfast again," You asks hopefully as he chuckles and nods

"If you want." He agrees, and a comfortable silence falls on the two of you

"Papa, come on!" (Son's name) calls once more

"Well seems like I'll have another baseball player," You muse out


Night time came, Chris parks the car in the garage and picks up (Son's name) from the backseat

"You know, he really looks like you." You say as the three of you walks home, (Son's name) sleeping soundly in Chris' arms

Chris hums as you unlock the house door, Chris went straight to (Son's name)'s bedroom, while you went to yours and Chris' bedroom

"You tired?" You ask Chris who walks inside the bedroom and to the cabinet for a change of clothes

"He's really energetic, isn't he?" He chuckles, laying beside you before he starts rubbing your stomach

"He's young and influenced by his many uncles,"

"Is that a good thing?" He sighs making you giggle

"Well... I guess it is," You smile moving closer to Chris

"Only three more months," Chris mumbles, feeling the kicking of the baby

"Only three more months," you repeat, "Another child will be added to this household," You muse, "You sure you can handle more energetic kids?"

"I had my practice in high school," He mutters, hugging you

"Besides, you're here to help me." He smiles at you

You turn your head to the side and kisses him on his lips

"I love you," You mumble, snuggling closer to his warmth

"I love you too," He kisses your temple as you two soon falls asleep

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