Hongo Masamune X Chubby! Reader 3

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Hey guys! I'm back with another oneshot!!!!

So this is requested by kuramxchi , kuramxchi Thank you for the request! It was really fun writing about this one!
I hope everyone will enjoy and love this oneshot!

Requesting are open, if any of you guys have any please comment it and say whether it'll be angst, fluff, romantic au's and a bit of an idea for the plot?

That's all! Now, onto the oneshot!!!

Before you knew it, a week has passed and you found yourself at the dugout of the baseball team, receiving glares  from girls who had to stay on the sidelines... well this isn't really the only time they glare at you

Since the news slipped that you and Masamune went out, girls started gossiping among themselves and your old bullies started to disappear, scared that what happened to the guy who bumped into you in the locker might also happen to them...but your female schoolmates were the problem, sure they stopped teasing you but their whispers and glares never softened... it made you thankful of Masamune and the other guys in the baseball team for always looking after you

"(First name)....(first name)," Masamune calls, making you snap out of your thoughts

"Yes, Masamune-kun?" You asked him turning to look at him

"I was asking if you were ready to go," he repeats his question as you hummed in response saying that you are indeed ready

"Come on then," he grabs your hand as you two walk out of the baseball area and towards the entrance of the school

"Uhh....Masamune-kun, where are we going?" You ask Masamune, walking beside him as he turns to look down on you

"Is the movies alright with you?" Masamune ponders, "but if you think that it's too boring we could always—"

"The movie is fine with me," You smile at him to show that you really wanted to go making a smile also make its way on his lips... something you've gotten accustomed to after spending time with him for the past weeks

You both ride the bus to the cinemas, you by the window and him beside you

You look out the window, while Masamune turns to look at you, trying to hold back a smile

Instead, he leans on the back of his seat and grabs your hand in his, enjoying the warmth it gives off

You turn to look at Masamune who had his eyes closed, making you smile at how relaxed he looks, you squeeze his calloused hand and turned back to the window, a comfortable silence lies in the air for both of you putting you at ease

But that ease never lasted as you reach the cinema

Once you reached the cinemas, you were hoping to watch something romantic, in hopes that you and Masamune would look at each other with love in your eyes and maybe share a...kiss? Or even comedy so the outcome is that he might be that he fall in love with your laughter and sense of humor...even drama was better, so in the end, he will give you a box of tissues because of the emotions in the film, you would say sorry for crying and he would reassure you that you still looked beautiful either way

But no, he decided on watching Horror... the only genre you can never stand

'What cute characteristic can I even show Masamune-kun with this?' You found yourself questioning your inner thoughts, 'my screaming? Screeching or maybe my sudden jumps,' you continue to think but Masamune already bought the tickets, most likely thinking you have the bravery to watch it

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