Furuya Satoru X Reader

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"Sa-chan~" you sing happily as you skip towards a five-year-old Furuya who was staring longingly at a group of boys playing tag

"(First name)," he greets, his eyes lighting up upon seeing your figure

"Did you miss me? Did you?" You ask him, jumping around causing the young Furuya to chuckle

"Uh-huh!" He agrees, not noticing the stares that he got from the other kids around the playground


"How was it?" You ask worriedly at Furuya who slams his bedroom door angrily, stomping inside

Years have passed and both of you were already 10 years old, both have gotten really close

"They won't believe me!" He exclaim sadly, but seeing you flinch made him calm down and sit beside you on his bed

"I kept telling them that I'm fine, why won't they believe me?" He asks you sadly but you just bit your lip

"I kept telling them that you are my friend but they kept on saying no, no, no, she can't be!" He mimicked the voice of his parents who insisted that he go to a psychiatrist, "why do they keep on saying that, (first name)?" He turns to look at you and see how lost he looked broke your heart

"I don't know," you lie, giving him a sad smile


"How was training?" You turn to look at a thirteen-year-old Furuya who looks devastated

"(First name)... can you be honest with me?" He asks you as you turned to him, humming in response

"Do you... do you think I'm weird?" He whispers, his voice cracking

You bite your lip as you walk towards him, placing your palms on his cheeks softly, you gave him a soft smile

"Of course not! They're just a bunch of meanies, okay?" You reassure him

"Well...if you say so," he mutters

You bite your lip, year by year, Furuya had gotten quieter and quieter... not like he isn't but now, he's too quiet, he doesn't smile or laugh like he usually does and that got you worried,

'Maybe...just maybe he needs more friends...other than me?" You say to yourself and smile at him when he turns to look at you

Three years have passed and now he's already in Seidou, you watched as he run around the field with a loud mouth, Sawamura, shouting behind him

You smile to yourself, Furuya hardly talks to you now, he has new friends that keep him company and that.... and that makes you happy for him

"I'm glad you found yourself a group of great guys... Satoru," you say to yourself, continuing to  watch, knowing this will be the end

Furuya stops running and looked around, he suddenly got the feeling somebody was watching him but as he looks up the bleachers where you were once standing... you are now long gone

"Oi, Furuya! You tired already?!" Sawamura shouts, running in front of Furuya, making Furuya snap out of his thoughts and run after Sawamura

That night, Furuya was sleeping and started dreaming

It started when he was young, he was walking around the snow when he saw a little girl sitting alone on a bench

"Hey, there," the little girl greets him and motions for Furuya to sit beside her which Furuya followed

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