Kuramochi Yoichi X Reader

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Hey guys! I don't know what to say 😞 but first off I just wanna say thank you guys so much! The book has reached 22.9k reads! Thank you for everyone who reads, votes and comments on the oneshots! It really makes my day 😊

Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY KURAMOCHIIIII (though I do think I'm late for a day) but anyways happy brithday!!!

Requests are open if you have any please comment or message me with an hit of description on how you want it to go and what act it should be

That's all thank you! Enjoy!


Kuramochi wakes up with a flash going off, he rubs his eyes and stares up at you

"Man, couldn't you stay asleep? You looked way cuter when you are," You tease him, bending over to kiss his cheeks

"Happy birthday Yoichi," You smile but he merely flicks your forehead, causing you to flinch in pain

"Idiot, is that the proper way to even wake up your boyfriend?"

"It's my way of waking up my boyfriend if we have plans," you stick your tongue out at him, still rubbing your forehead, "If I tried waking you up gently then you'll just pull me into the bed and we'll most likely stay tangled with each other the whole day!"

"What's so bad about that?" He grumbles making you blush

"Besides maybe we'll do other things than cudd—"

"Don't dream on in," You say, hitting him with a pillow, "now chop chop we don't have all day—"

"Yes we do,"

"Come on Yoichi don't you wanna spend some quality time with your amazing and beautiful girlfriend?" You bat your eyelashes at him but he just snorts

"Amazing and beautiful? Did I date the wrong person?" He teases you making you roll your eyes

"Admit it, in this relationship I'm the pretty one,"

"Hyaha so you admit that I'm the smart one?"

"Nah that's me too," You reply while grinning, making him roll his eyes and stand up, about to lock you in his arms but after years of knowing each other, you manage to dodge

"Yes, I got you to stand up!" You cheer, "off to the bath you go!" You push him out of the room

"you coming with—"

"I'll wait for you here!" You close the door on his face, "Hurry up!"

Outside, Kuramochi sighs but walks towards the bath, feeling excited for the day ahead

"Is Mochi-senpai up now?!" Sawamura asks loudly, slamming the door open with Asada following him behind

"He's in the bath!" You announce

"As expected from (First name)-senpai! You got Mochi-senpai out of bed without being wrestled!" Sawamura praises you

"Yeah, I'm awesome aren't I?"

Asada watches the two of you, an amused look on his face

"Asadaaa-kun!" You drag off his name, "Are you being treated properly?" you ask, placing an arm around him

"Ye-yes," He stammers as you chuckle at how adorable he was

'Why wasn't Yoichi like this when we were in first year?' You ask yourself, remembering the number of times the both of you ended up wresting each other or screaming but all was worth it since it turned into a blooming romance....somehow

You continue to talk with Sawamura and Asada while waiting for Kuramochi to come back, Sawamura was telling you about the wrestling moves Kuramochi was trying on him while Asada told you about the prank

"What's happening here?" Kuramochi asks walking inside the room

"DAHAHA HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOCHI-SENPAI!" Sawamura cheers, placing an arm around Kuramochi just like what he did on his birthday, "SINCE YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME AGAIN WE'LL GO BACK WITH THE FORMALITIES!"

Asada, just like Sawamura's birthday, takes a picture but this time, as he looks at the photo he felt a menancing aura around Kuramochi

"Hyahaha! That's right Bakamura!" He then kicks Sawamura and tries on wrestling moves on him with more force than usual

You sweatdrop, thanking the gods above that Sawamura's joints were flexible

"Alright losers," You clap your hands together, "Asada's seen enough and we still have somewhere to go to," You pat Asada's head and pull Kuramochi away from Sawamura

Kuramochi tries to break free from your grasp but you kissed his cheeks making him stop and turn bright red

"I knew you love my kisses," You grin goofily making Kuramochi kick you softly and wrap an arm around you

"Shut up."

"Eh? (First name)-senpai are both of you going somewhere? Can I come?" Sawamura asks excitedly but you shake your head and wave your index finger as a sign of no

"But I'll bring something back for my two babies," You pat Sawamura and Asada's heads

Kuramochi pouts when he saw you interact with the two, "Oi idiot, we have to go."

"Got it~"

"Bye bye Sawa-chan and Asada-chan!" You wave at them goodbye and walk out the dorm with Kuramochi for an eventful birthday ahead

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