Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader

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Hey everyone!

This one was requested by @Elder12345678912 and it's quite short but I hope you enjoy it... although I am planning to make a part two out of it

Enjoy and stay safe~


"What are you doing here?" Shirakawa asks upon entering his room and seeing his teammates all around his room

Carlos was sprawled on his bed, Yamaoka was looking out his window, and Itsuki tries to stop Narumiya, who keeps on going around his room and touching things, making a mess of the whole place

"I thought you didn't like a mess? What are these?" Narumiya asks, holding up the notes you often write for him

"Oh, do you keep letters from your fans?" Narumiya snickers, already taking one from Shirakawa's collection

"You didn't answer my question," Shirakawa scowls, "And don't touch those-" He tries to reach for the papers but Narumiya was faster and throws them at Carlos who immediately opens them and read

"Katsuyuki! I know this isn't much but do your best at the game! I'll be cheering for you on the sidelines! Love you- (First name)" Carlos reads the letter and immediately regrets it, knowing that it was private and something Shirakawa didn't want anybody interfering with

Silence fills the room as everybody didn't know what to say or react

"(First name)? (First name)? The (First name) you broke up with and told to get lost?" Narumiya almost yells

Shirakawa sighs and rubs his temple, "Yes that (First name)"

"If you told her to get lost, why keep this?" Yamaoka asks, holding the paper up

Shirakawa remains silent, how was he supposed to admit that he regrets it? That he still has feelings for you? When he was the idiot who ended your relationship

"Do you still have..." Carlos trails off, looking at his friend with wide eyes, once again silence fills the room as everybody finally understands the situation

Shirakawa clicks his tongue and looks away, he still wasn't used to admitting his feelings out loud...but that didn't mean he loves you any less

"Then let's get them back together!" Narumiya claps his hands after a long silence, "Operation get Shirakawa his love life back is set!" He announces, thus, leading everybody in the room to discuss plans on how Shirakawa could get you back

Shirakawa sighs as he listens to his teammates' talk, some were good but most of them were either very much stupid or impossible

But despite his exasperation with the fact that he missed his regular radio broadcast, he couldn't help but smile; not only because there might be a chance of getting you back (he hopes) but also because the fact that he has friends who could make him feel better at a time like this

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