Sanada Shunpei X Reader

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for 2 weeks? But since it is Nada's birthday here it is! Happy birthday Sanada Shunpei!

Requests are open if you have any please comment or message, add a bit of description on how you want it to be and what act

Again happy birthday Sanada!

"Nada-senpai!" Raichi exclaims, "Happy Birthday Nada-senpai!" Raichi yells happily, waving a stem of banana

Sanada chuckles and walks toward the monster batter as the latter hands him one banana, "Happy Birthday Nada-senpai!"

"Sanada!" Raizou calls, reaching their ace. "You look down, you didn't receive anything from your girlfriend?" He grins while Sanada chuckles nervously

"Not really..." He answers, looking at you who was looking down at your phone

Feeling somebody looking at you, you look up to see Sanada staring. Smiling widely, you wave at him who in response, waves back

'Ahah He can't find out!' You think nervously, walking out of the venue towards your home, 'if he does it'll be over with!'

Later that afternoon, Sanada walks on the way towards your house, deciding that he wants to spend the remaining time of his birthday with you

Sanada knocks on the door but nobody answers, he knocks three more times before deciding to just get the extra keys from the pot and open the door himself

"(Nickname)?" He calls but no one answers, Sanada furrows his eyebrows, 'She said she was just at home doing something...' He thinks to himself

"Ah crap!" He heard somebody shout in the kitchen, following your voice, he stops by the doorpost and watches you attempt to bake a cake

"What are you doing?" He muses out, making you jump back in surprise


"What's that?" Sanada walks towards the table and stops in front of it

"It's not done ye—"

"This is the reason you went home early?" He muses out, looking at the (Favorite flavor) cake that was poorly decorated

"Well I-I mean it's your birthday and I just wanted to try something for you and I know it doesn't look good and—"

"It looks wonderful." He compliments, smiling at you softly

Feeling heat rise up your cheeks, you turn away from Sanada who was staring at you

Chuckling to himself, he walks towards you as you turn your head so you were looking at him

"Why do you look so embarrassed?" He asks

"Well I mean... it doesn't really look all that appetizing, doesn't it." You mumble, looking away, "I've been trying to bake for you for the past week and somehow it always ends up like this."

"It's amazing."

"Is it?"

"Of course! Specially when you're the one who made it." Sanada chuckles
upon seeing your red face

Leaning down, Sanada closes the gap between the two of you as he wraps his hands around your waist for support, and deepens the kiss, feeling your knees weaken, you hold onto Sanada

"What was that for?" You pant after pulling away

"To show you what's about to come later," He smirks while you hit his arm


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