Miyuki Kazuya X Reader 2

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Ah this one's really long overdue, I'm sorry! But here it is, the part two of Miyuki Kazuya ya know when they had an argument and confession, you guys wanted a part two so here it is! Thank you to everyone who requested, I hope you also enjoy this one!

Miyuki or Sanada may seem a bit OOC? I'm not sure, but if they are I'm extremely sorry

(Added) Also, sorry if I haven't replied to the comments I may or may not have broke my cellphone where the notifications come but I'll try to be as active as I can be and also, I kinda lost the previous screenshots of the requests cause all of them were in my cellphone, but I'm going to find them, don't worry! Thank you

Requests are open, if you have any please comment or message me,  add a bit of description on how you want it to go and what act, also, I can't really say when I can write it so it may or may not take some time

That's all, thank you and enjoy!


'Ah this morning's really quiet.' You think to yourself, looking over to Miyuki's table to see him studying the baseball team's scorebook. Weeks have passed since your screaming fest with Miyuki and his sudden confession, which has been on your mind for almost every day

"If you want, you can just talk to him." Kuramochi's voice cuts through your train of thoughts

"About what?" You grumble, looking down at your mathematics notebook, somehow you were a bit more thankful for the fact that you had much school work that you got your mind off Miyuki

"Anything!" Kuramochi burst, sitting in front of you. "Do you know how annoying it is to watch the two of you sulk when you're just feets apart?" The two of you looked over at Miyuki who instantly averts his eyes back to his precious scorebook

"Look," Kuramochi lowers his voice, "I know the two of you are stubborn,  stupid, and filled with pride. But really, the whole thing can be talked through." With that, Kuramochi stands up and walks over to his own seat, living you on your thoughts once more

"Damn I hate it when he's right." You murmur, glancing at Miyuki. 'I want to talk to him... but how can I respond to his confession when I don't even know how I feel.' You ask yourself, burying your face in your hands, 'How can he even like me? Has he lost his mind?'  You continue to ponder, letting out a sigh you decided to ask that one sensible friend you have  


"(Last name)!" Sanada waves as you cross the street, "Any reason you called?" He asks you while you sigh and nod, motioning the pitcher to follow you towards a small ice cream place

Going inside, the both of you went to the counter to order and went to sit at a table with your goods

"Any problem with school? People? Miyuki Kazuya?" Sanada guesses, causing you to choke on your ice cream

"I'm right then." He chuckles, and licking his strawberry ice cream, "The two of you did get into an argument and ignore each other." He says, watching your face for any reaction

"Kuramochi told you, didn't he?" You guess and Sanada nods, "He sounded really tired when he told me, besides, most of the time you'd talk to me about Miyuki but  these past days, you've been silent." He points out and watches you eat your ice cream, "Wanna talk about it?" He smiles at you reassuringly

Placing down your half-finished ice cream,  you start telling Sanada about everything that happened, starting from him ignoring you to your argument that led to  the confession

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