Isashiki Jun X Reader 1

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As promised, beard-senpai is here, Hope you guys enjoy this Oneshot. Part 2 is most likely to come tomorrow so wait for it, Enjoy!

"(First name) are you okay?" Takako questions you worriedly, looking at your eye bags and messy unkempt hair

"Yes, Takako." you nod absentmindedly, trying to go back to sleep

"You've been watching anime the whole night again, haven't you (first name)?" She scolds you but you just yawned and raised your head from its sleeping position

"It was really good," you mutter as you remember your favorite scene from the last anime you watched

"That does sound like you (first name)." she sighs, worried about your health but you just nuzzled your head on her shoulder

You and Takako have been friends since you were both in middle school, while she was always interested in becoming a manager for the baseball team, you were never alluded to trying it since you've always preferred reading mangas and watching anime than going out and work

Though, if needed you would help her out with managing along with Haruno, Yui, and Sachiko. Not like they give you a choice anyways

"The camp about to start, isn't it?" You asked as she nodded and looked at you

"Are you going to help out (first name)?" she asks making you give it a thought

'Giving up my time to help or using it to watch anime?' You ponder

"Nope" you answered simply as the teacher went inside the classroom and to the front of the class

~at the summer training camp~

You huffed as you helped with making the rice balls, not believing that you let Rei, and the other managers persuade you to come with them for a helping hand

"You so owe me one" you muttered and beside you, Takako chuckles

"Don't worry (first name) I'll come with you to find that manga you want." she bargains and you just looked at her blankly

"You don't really have a choice," You answered, continuing the walk towards the team who looked like they were about to pass out, more specifically the three first years

"Oi (Last name) what are you doing here?" Isashiki Jun asked, as you went and started giving out rice balls

"They asked me to help," you answered simply as he took one of the balls from your tray

You looked around, looking for Takako, and saw that she was giving out food to the other members, along with the other three managers

"Hey, this is good," Jun said, surprised as you suddenly felt annoyed by his statement

"Oi! My cooking has always been good, Isashiki!" You said angrily making him scowl at you in reply

"Don't shout at me!" He answered back causing you to scoff in disbelief,





"That's enough" coach Kataoka said, his voice filled with finality that made you and Jun shut your mouths

You looked at Jun's retreating figure before huffing, you knew he worked hard for his spot in the first string, and you admired him for that but whenever you two were together, the two of you would always end up having a shouting contest

Though you'd never let him know that you admired him for something since the two of you do have a love-hate relationship

You'd never let him know that whenever you're near him, your heart beats faster than normal

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Beard-senpai" Sawamura called making Isashiki turn to look at him

They were currently in Miyuki's room. While Furuya was massaging his foot and Yuki took a break from playing shogi, Sawamura decided to ask his senior a question

"Are you and (Last name)-san dating?" He asked curiously causing Isashiki to choke

"Of course not!" Isashiki yelled

"They aren't but they should be," Yuki said before Isashiki could say anything else

"They do like each other," Yuki says, surprisingly grinning as he looks at Isashiki's flustered face

"Shut up!" Isashiki yells but he knew for himself that he does have feelings for you, strong ones too.

'How can I confess to a girl like her anyway?' Jun asked himself, 'she's the most stubborn girl I've met!' He thought but has always known that your stubbornness was the reason you caught his eye

'Why the hell does he/she always have to make it difficult?'  You both thought while you were helping clean and him getting a massage

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