Yuki Tetsuya X Deaf! Reader

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Hey hey hey

This was requested by @AnimeLover199798 thanks for the request and being patient even though it took months 😭 hope you enjoy it ~


'There's a child inside!"

"Hurry get her!"

"Is she alive?" You heard people around you whisper before everything turned black

You wake up as you remember the accident that happens to you years ago, "How can I go back to sleep?" You mumble to yourself, laying down on the bed and trying to find a good position to sleep onto

You wake up to see your uncle, Kataoka Tesshin, shaking you awake

"Good morning," Kataoka hears you greet quietly while he nods and signs at you to get ready for the day

Kataoka walks out of the room while you walk towards the bathroom to take a bath

You walk down the stairs to see your uncle drinking coffee as he looks through the scorebook of past baseball games

You clear your throat to get his attention but it seems like he didn't notice you so you walk toward him and tap his shoulder

He looks away from the scorebook and up to you, 'Ready to go?' He signs at you and you nod as a response

You get into the passenger seat of his car, and the whole ride was silent, just like most of your life after the accident that caused you to lose your hearing

You walk with Kataoka on the field and watch the team run for their morning training, you feel jealousy rise up upon the thought that they got to play games while you were left with a shattered dream

After a few minutes of watching the team play, you tap Kataoka's shoulder to let him know that you were heading to class

He nods as you walk off towards the building

You sit on your designated seat, taking out your history book, doing your homework that you didn't do the night before

As you were on the last question, someone taps you on your shoulder causing you to look up, it was (Boy's name)

"Do-do you need anything?" You ask him while he snickers to himself

'Say something,' He writes on the paper, you furrow your eyebrows in confusion

"Sorrow?" Yuki hears  your voice as he enters the room, he caught you talking while (Boy's name) and his friends snickers at the way you pronounce your words

He walks towards you and looks at (Boy's name), "Do you need anything?" Yuki asks him

"N-nothing," (Boy's name) stutters out his reply before leaving you

You frown when he left, you look up to see Yuki standing by your side

He waves at you and you noticed a small smile on his lips

"You seem happy," Yuki hears your voice and he feels his ears heat up

Yuki takes out a notepad and writes, 'Practice went good,'

You nod knowingly, baseball is a really fun sport to play that you don't want to stop, you knew that all too well

Yuki writes something on the notepad once more, 'Can you pitch for me tonight?'

You feel your cheeks flush red, but you nod, nonetheless


You focus your attention on throwing the ball as hard as you can while Yuki attempts to hit it

You glance at him and feel your cheeks heat up at the sight of him, who knew someone could look good despite being sweaty? 'Not to mention,' You stare at his arms and feel your face get hotter than it was

Yuki takes notice of your red face and places down his bath, he picks up the notepad and writes, 'We should take a break,'

You blink in confusion while he points at your face, 'Your face is red, we need to rest if you're tired,' He writes and you blink again, thankful he didn't know the real reason for your red face

You palm the baseball ball as you walk with Yuki towards the vending machine. Missing how it felt in your hands and how it good it felt to strike out the batter

You jump back in surprise when you feel something cold on your cheek, you look at Yuki who was holding a can of (favorite drink)

'Sorry,' He signs while you just nod and grab the can from his hand

While you were opening the can, something clicks inside your mind, Yuki just signed at you

You look up at him who was avoiding your eyes

"You learned how to sign?" Yuki hears you ask

He grabs his notepad, 'I thought it would make it easier to talk to you,' He writes and you feel your heart flutter at his actions

"Thanks," Yuki hears you and feels his heart skip a beat

"Yuki and.....(First name)." Yuki hears Kataoka call making him turn around

Kataoka was looking at the two of you, who were both red in the face and avoiding eye contact with each other

"What's happening here?" He asks Yuki

"I asked (First name) to help me with batting practice coach," Yuki replies and Kataoka nods, he looks at you who instantly stands properly

'Come to the office after,' He signs at you while you nod watching as he turns around to return to his office

He was to ask you if you wanted to head home already but it seemed like you still had things to do so he'll just wait for you back in his office

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