Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hi everybody! I hope you're all having a good day!

This was requested by @qxrlni thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy this~

On the other note, Tokyo revengers is really good (and sad but n e ways)

Hope you have reading and stay safe~


Miyuki waits outside Inashiro Industrial, as third years who just retired from the club, he now has more time to spend leisurely

He watches as students leave the gate and finally, he sees your figure emerge from the school entrance towards the gate


"(First name)-chan!" Miyuki couldn't help but feel a slight annoyance when Narumiya suddenly jumps onto you

But he really can't say anything, considering the fact that you're the manager for the Inashiro Baseball team and a close friend of Narumiya, it was no surprise that he would be clingy with you

Either that or Narumiya just really likes getting under his skin

But you push Narumiya off, scolding him for almost making you fall

"That's enough, someone's waiting for me!" You pushed him away but he remained stuck on your side

"Really? Who, who?" Narumiya asks as he looks around

"Kazuya." You smile, "We're going on a date and I don't want you interfering." You flick his forehead which he whines at

Miyuki watches the whole thing, suddenly feeling impatient, especially when Narumiya keeps on hugging your back, almost as if he was stopping you from walking toward him

He clicks his tongue at the scene, feeling more annoyed as people points at you two and calls you two a cute couple

'Like she'll go for someone like him.' He huffs

"Kazu sorry I made you wait!" You exclaim once you reach him, "This guy just won't let go!" You motioned for Narumiya who follows behind you and greets Miyuki with a smile

"I told her I wanted to come but she wouldn't let me!" He whines as he holds onto your arm, enjoying the look on Miyuki's face

"Oh, is that so." Miyuki hums, feeling some sort of pride when he knew you'd rather spend time with him than with the pitcher


"Mei!" You groan, pulling your arm away

"So cold (First name)-chan!"

"Well we should get going," Miyuki says smoothly as he laces his hands with yours, "Nice seeing you, Mei," He bids him goodbye before you two leave

"Does he always do that?" He asks when you two were away from Narumiya

You look up at him and noticed that his lower lip was jutted out, you couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Miyuki pouting

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing," You snicker before kissing his cheek, "It's just that you look cute when you're jealous."

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