Furuya Satori X Reader 1

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"Hurry up (first name)!" Haruno said to the phone as you tried to balance it while carrying a bunch of bags of ice

"Okay, I'm coming," You answer and she bids you goodbye before ending the call

You were a first-year manager at Seido baseball club, along with your close friend, Haruno whom you had met when both of you went to apply for it

You continued walking while trying to place your phone inside your pocket, as well as carrying the ice. It would have been easy if you weren't hurrying but the fact that it was probably one of the hottest days in Tokyo made you frantic about making sure the ice doesn't melt

"Jeez, why does it have to be so freaking hot?" You mumbled to yourself as you wiped the sweat on your forehead

"I—welp!" You exclaimed as you were about to fall down, but luckily someone caught you

"(Last name)?" Furuya asked quietly as you blushed because of your clumsiness

"Fu-furuya! Gomen!" You apologized as he just stared at you blankly and helped you with three of the ice packs

"Come on," He mumbled making it frown

"Furuya, I can carry those myself." You declared but he ignored you and continued walking

'No wonder Sawamura finds it hard to talk to him,' You thought to yourself but followed him nonetheless

'I don't want her to get hurt,' Furuya thought, he has always had a crush on you since the first time he met you. Albeit being awkward, he wants to show you his feelings

"Thank, Furuya." you bowed in gratefulness when both of you reached the inside, as an answer, he nods his head and handed you the ice pack

"Oi Furuya, have you been hiding?" Miyuki asked as he walked towards the pitcher, "Good Afternoon,(Last name)." he greeted, grinning that oh so annoying yet irresistible grin of his

"Why are you together?" He asked when he noticed both your and Furuya's fingers were intertwined

You immediately flushed red at the question as you pulled your hands along with the ice away from Furuya's hurriedly

"He was helping me with the ice," You muttered but Miyuki just grinned

"You know Furuya, the coach isn't happy with the fact that you're late," Miyuki said to Furuya as Furuya's eyes widen, but he also felt his stomach sinking with the fact he already has to leave you and attend practice

"Well (Last name), see ya later," Miyuki said, still grinning while you nodded and watched them go in the direction of the field

"(First name)!" Sachiko called as you turned to her, "finally." she breathed as she took one pack from you and proceeded to walk to the manager's room with you walking beside her

"Why were you with Furuya-kun?" She asked you both of you walked

"That's cause...." you mumbled as your cheeks flushed red at the question

"He helped me with the ice cause I was about to fall down," you mumbled making Sachiko grin

"You look cute together!" She exclaimed but that just made you blush harder

"Sachiko-senpai" You whined but she just giggled and went inside the room

So that was that, I hoped you enjoyed the oneshot

Also, the reason I did an author's note is that I want to inform everyone that I might update everyday for a week because it's our break right now

Also, request is open, if anybody has any request please comment it or message me

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