Hongo Masamune X Chubby! Reader

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Hey guys!

So this one shot was requested by kuramxchi thank you for requesting! Sorry if it took a bit of time and I hope you guys enjoy it!


It was a cold day at Hokkaido, the snow was falling yet that didn't stop (Last name) (first name) to watch her school baseball team, Komadai Fujimaki baseball team, train.

You didn't want to admit it but the sole reason that you watch the training was to catch a glimpse of your long-time crush,Hongo Masamune. Even at first, you tried to deny it, he had caught your heart, not only with his good looks but also with his passion for baseball

"Go Masamune-kun~!" A bunch of fan girls that were beside you cheered for him, catching the ace's attention and making him turn his head towards your way

Your eyes widen when he made eye contact with you, instinctively you turn around to walk towards home, not wanting him to notice his 'undesirable classmate'

That night in your room, you stared at yourself in the mirror, your self-esteem decreasing than it already was

"How can I confess when we're both so different?" You ask yourself, pinching your thighs and raising your shirt for you to see your stretch marks

"I don't have a thigh gap, my stomach's not flat, my boobs aren't even that big, and there are multiple scars on my body... how could someone as fit and popular as him ever like me?" You criticize yourself, pointing out every flaw you think you have


The next day, you were fixing your things in your locker, planning to go watch the baseball team practice,

You hum to yourself and close your locker and walked towards the field. But before you could have even taken a step, someone suddenly bumps into you

"Sorry!" You managed to squeak out, looking up to see a tall buff guy in front of you

"What the hell is it? You fat pig?" He asks angrily, looking down at you

"I-I sorry! I didn't mean it!" You try explaining yourself but he just continues to glare at you

"Next time where you're looking at! I don't want people to think I know you! Stupid girl!" He turned around and was about to walk away until you decided to say something:

"It was just an accident, you don't have to make such a big deal out of it." You answer, surprising the guy and yourself

'Crap, why did I have to open my mouth?' You panic as he walks towards you with n angry expression on his face

"What did you say?!" He shouts loudly, pulling you by the collar of your shirt "You idiot! What was that?!" He demands making you gulp

"I-I-I—uh" you stammer and tried to get out of his grasp, accidentally kicking him as you did so


"That does it! You fat ass!" He exclaims just as he raises his fist, about to punch you

"Put her down," a deep voice said from behind the guy

Both of you look behind him to see Masamune giving the guy a deadly glare, making chills run down both your spines

"Put her down," he repeats

"Masa—Masamune!" The guy sputters, removing his grip on your collar and causing you to fall on the floor with a loud thud

Masamune continues to glare at the guy causing the guy to sweat drop, he didn't want to admit it but Masamune's glare could make even a grown-up feel scared

"Apologize," he commands the guy

"Bu-but it was her fau—"

"Apologize," he repeats, his voice a lot sterner than it was

The guy turned his attention to you and you saw his jaw tense

"So-sorry," he apologizes as you nod

"Do-don't worry, it was my fault anyway," you say, standing up and dusting your skirt

"Do you have any other business?" Masamune asks him

"N-no," the guy managed to stutter out, excusing himself and walking towards the exit

You and Masamune looked at each other awkwardly

"I-I thanks Masamune-kun," you thank him shyly, your face turning a shade of pink

"It was nothing,"

"I-I was just wondering... how did you know I wa—was here?" You ask, fumbling with the hem of your sweater

"You weren't watching training... I thought there was something wrong," he replies, turning his head to the side in embarrassment

"O-oh," you answered, just as embarrassed, wanting to hide because of humiliation

"I need to go, the coach might get angry," he excuses himself after a minute of silence before walking away

You watched him go, biting your lip as you contemplate with yourself

'Should I ask him..?'

But before you could even think of an answer, you run after him and grabbed his hand

"Masa-Masamune-kun!" You sputter out, stopping him in his tracks and for him to look at you

"I was wondering... if you want to go somewhere with me?" You ask him, your face heating up


"You know, eat maybe at a restaurant or cafe," you suggest and for a second you saw him smile

"Sure, I wouldn't mind," he replies before making a move to grab your hands firmly


"The sidelines are too cold, you can stay at the dugout... it's warmer," he mutters as he pulls your hand, motioning you to walk with him

You turn redder and walk beside him, looking at your hands you felt the warmth of his, making a smile make its way on your lips

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