Kominato Ryousuke X Reader

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As promised this is a proper update!

This was requested by @Queenof8 you said it could be them visiting his parents, him getting jealous or him teasing the reader so I just decided to do all three 😂 hope you like this one!

Okay everyone! Stay safe and enjoy~


"Jeez can't you just give me a proper response?" You grumble after your boyfriend who walks ahead of you

"You look like a kabuki doll, isn't that what you wanted to hear?" Ryousuke chuckles

"When I said if I looked as pretty as a doll, I was expecting like a porcelain doll or something! Not a Kabuki!"

"Fine fine, you look good, are we good?" He asks, stopping and waiting for you to reach him

"Jeez, you!" You grumble, grabbing his hand, "I just wanted your parents to think I'm pretty, you know." You mumble

"You look fine already," He says

You look at him in shock, "That's probably the best thing you said to me today!" You gush

"Definitely after all the photos I sent to them," He adds

"Ryou!" You hit his arm lightly, "At least tell me that's a joke and you actually sent them decent ones!"

"I sent them a lot when we were in our graduation." He says as you sigh in relief, "and a few when you were sleeping."

"Seriously this guy," You sigh, giving up already, besides you knew that he was enjoying the fact that he could tease you so much

"I made sure I didn't send them any of those kinds though," He smirks as you turn bright red, once again punching him softly

"That's something that would ruin me even before they met me!"

"I'm just messing with you, you look adorable when you're all red you know." He grins

"You're also doing that cause you know you have that effect on me!" You pout as he chuckles

"As expected, my girlfriend knows me so well."

You stick your tongue out at him but didn't say anything else, other than the little talks, you two remain silent on your way towards the Kominato Household

"We're here," You gulp as he squeezes your hand, basically reassuring you that it would turn out alright

He knocks on the door and you were welcomed by his mother's kind, smiling face who greets you with warmth

"Thank you," You say shyly when she compliments you about your dress

"See? I told you it looks fine," Ryousuke whisper

"But did you have to add the Kabuki thing?"

"It was for fun."

"You two can stay here in the living room for the time being," His mother says, "I'm sorry! I still haven't finished cooking dinner!" She apologizes as you made a motion to say that it was nothing

"Please don't worry about it! We don't mind waiting!"

His mother excuses herself and walks back to the kitchen, "You know, you're family's really nice...where did you get your scary personality from?" You ask Ryousuke who chuckles darkly, making you retract your question

You enter the living room and immediately see Haruichi sitting by the couch, without a second thought, you let go of Ryousuke's hand and made a beeline for Haruichi

"(First name)-san!" He says in surprise as you basically jump him

"I haven't seen you in such a long time!" You greet him after letting him go, "Oh my, you actually cut your hair! You look so cute!" You gush as you squeeze his cheeks, "Wait wait let me take a photo." You fumble to take out your phone and ask him to strike a pose

Haruichi smiles shyly and looks behind to see his brother frowning, he gulps, he didn't like Ryousuke's expression at all

"Haru-chan smile!" You say as he finally looks over you and holds up a peace sign

"You look so cute!" You beam looking at the photo, "I wish I could still be in high school when you cut your hair." You pout, "It would be nice to see such an adorable thing after a long day in class." You sigh and turn around to see your boyfriend just watching the whole thing with a smile

"Ryou, why are you just standing there?" You frown, walking back at him

"Oh, are you done with Haruichi?" He hums, the smile not leaving his face, "I thought you forgot about your boyfriend who brought you here."

"Are you actually jealous?" You raise an eyebrow

"Maybe." He replies, humming, "But then again, why should I? Reminders of last night's still etched onto your skin right?" He smirks, as you once again blush

"Can you please not!" You whine, "Especially in front of your brother." You nudge him and look back at Haruichi who watches you two with amused eyes

"He's old enough to know about these sorts of things."

"Well, I'm not bold enough to let him know about these sorts of things we do!"

"That's enough," You cut him off even before he could tease you again, "Just stand beside Haruichi! I wanna take a picture of you two with your new haircuts!" You clap your hands in excitement and pull him towards his younger brother

"Okay! On the count of three, you two say cheese!" You instruct them as both of them smile at the camera

Their mother goes out of the kitchen and towards the living room to announce that their father was about to get home, but stops upon the sight of the three of you; She couldn't help but smile, knowing that you already fit perfectly in the family

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