Miyuki Kazuya X Chubby! Reader

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Hi everyone~

This one shot was requested by @DivineNazz thank you so much for requesting! I actually finished this a few days ago but I only ended up editing it now 😅 sorry about that but anyways I hope you enjoy the oneshot 💕

"Excuse me," You mumble, pushing past the girls in the locker room as you tried to go out to head to the restroom where you could have privacy

"Thank god she's not changing her clothes here." You hear someone say as the others laughed at her statement. You blush, you knew your body isn't exactly what people would consider beautiful or hot not to mention the stretch marks on your sides, you were always reminded about these when you look in the mirror, you didn't need anybody else to tear down your self-esteem.


"This is good," (Girl's name) comments when she takes from your food

"He-hey!" You try to stop her

"What? It's not like you need any more food, what you need is a diet plan," She snickers as she looks you up and down, "No wonder nobody wants to go out with you." She walks away with her friends, bringing along the confidence you had

"Oi nobody asked you!" Sachiko yells after them as she sits down in front of you, "You don't have to listen to any of them (Nickname)-chan, they're just jealous of you."

"What's there to be jealous of?" You mumble but Sachiko still hears you causing her to frown and look at Yui


"Oi, what's happening here?" Kuramochi asks as Miyuki follows behind him

"Kuramochi-kun, what are you doing here?"

"He has something to give the managers," He points at Miyuki who was holding the scorebook

"Ah (Last name)-chan, hello." Miyuki greets you

"Good afternoon," You greet back. For a moment Miyuki frowns at how down you look but he immediately turns it into a grin

"You don't look happy (Last name)-chan, is it because of Kuramochi?" He teases the shortstop who glares at him


You let out a small smile as you watched the two of them bicker. Miyuki's smile just got bigger when he saw it

"Well, we should get going, enjoy your lunch," Miyuki bids the three of you goodbye as he and Kuramochi argues on their way back to their classroom

You turn to look at Sachiko and Yui just to see Sachiko grinning from ear to ear

"You have feelings for Miyuki." She says without skipping a beat

You could feel your face burning at her statement, 'am I too obvious?' You ask yourself

"Sacchin, don't tease (First name)-chan," She chuckles at Sachiko's tactics but smiles at you, "So do you?" She asks, leaning toward you in anticipation

By now you were sure you were as red as a fire truck, you look at the two before nodding

"Yes! I win, you owe me a popsicle Yui-chan!" Sachiko cheers

"Yes yes," Yui replies as Sachiko calms down

"So what do you plan?" Yui asks you

"Yeah, you should confess." Sachiko grins, "You two would make a really good couple." Sachiko continues but you just shake your head

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